// // PortsListController.m // MPGUI // // Created by Juan Germán Castañeda Echevarría on 6/12/09. // Copyright 2009 UNAM. All rights reserved. // #import "PortsTableController.h" #pragma mark Private Methods @interface PortsTableController (Private) - (void)changePredicateEditorSize:(NSInteger) newRowCount; @end #pragma mark Implementation @implementation PortsTableController @synthesize predicate; - (id)init { // This is the number of rows shown in the xib file rowCount = 1; return self; } #pragma mark PredicateEditor delegate - (void)ruleEditorRowsDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification { [self changePredicateEditorSize:[predicateEditor numberOfRows]]; NSLog(@"rileEditorRowsDidChange"); } #pragma mark Search - (IBAction)advancedSearch:(id)sender { NSPredicate* newPredicate = [predicateEditor objectValue]; NSLog(@"Advanced Predicate: %@", [newPredicate predicateFormat]); if([newPredicate isNotEqualTo:predicate]) { [self setPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:[newPredicate predicateFormat]]]; } } - (IBAction)basicSearch:(id)sender { // Change internal NSPredicate and the NSPredicateEditor to match the basic query NSString *name = [sender stringValue]; if([name isEqual:@""]) { [self setPredicate:nil]; [predicateEditor setObjectValue:nil]; } else { NSArray *subpredicates = [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"name CONTAINS %@", name]]; NSPredicate *newPredicate = [NSCompoundPredicate andPredicateWithSubpredicates:subpredicates]; // I know what I am doing to you, so I dont want to be your delegate for now [predicateEditor setDelegate:nil]; [predicateEditor setObjectValue:newPredicate]; [self setPredicate:newPredicate]; [self changePredicateEditorSize:[predicateEditor numberOfRows]]; // Now I want to know what you do :) [predicateEditor setDelegate:self]; NSLog(@"Basic Predicate: %@", [newPredicate predicateFormat]); } } - (IBAction)hidePredicateEditor:(id)sender { [self changePredicateEditorSize:0]; } #pragma mark Private Methods - (void)changePredicateEditorSize:(NSInteger) newRowCount { NSLog(@"ROWS: %d", newRowCount); if (newRowCount == rowCount) return; if (newRowCount == 0) { [self setPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"name LIKE '*'"]]; } NSScrollView* tableScrollView = [portsTableView enclosingScrollView]; NSUInteger oldOutlineViewMask = [tableScrollView autoresizingMask]; NSScrollView* predicateEditorScrollView = [predicateEditor enclosingScrollView]; NSUInteger oldPredicateEditorViewMask = [predicateEditorScrollView autoresizingMask]; [tableScrollView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewMaxYMargin]; [predicateEditorScrollView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable]; BOOL growing = (newRowCount > rowCount); CGFloat heightDifference = fabs([predicateEditor rowHeight] * (newRowCount - rowCount)); NSSize sizeChange = [predicateEditor convertSize:NSMakeSize(0, heightDifference) toView:nil]; NSRect windowFrame = [mainWindow frame]; windowFrame.size.height += growing ? sizeChange.height : -sizeChange.height; windowFrame.origin.y -= growing ? sizeChange.height : -sizeChange.height; [mainWindow setFrame:windowFrame display:YES animate:YES]; [tableScrollView setAutoresizingMask:oldOutlineViewMask]; [predicateEditorScrollView setAutoresizingMask:oldPredicateEditorViewMask]; rowCount = newRowCount; } @end