MacPorts.Framework (Beta) RELEASE NOTES 09/03/2008 MacPorts.Framework 1.0.0 MacPorts url : MacPorts.Framework is an Objective-C Framework wrapper around the MacPorts Tcl API. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MacPorts.Framework requires Mac OS X 10.4.11 (or later versions of Mac OS X) to run without issues. It runs on both ppc and Intel archs since it is compiled as a universal 32-bit binary. INSTALLATION MacPorts.Framework is currently distributed as a port named MacPorts_Framework. If you have MacPorts installed, you can install by entering (without the quotes) "port install MacPorts_Framework" or "sudo port install MacPorts_Framework" (if your MacPorts installation requires permissions) into the command line ( The installed MacPorts.Framework is located in /Library/Frameworks/. Alternatively, you can download the source code using svn and build it with Xcode 3.0 or later. "svn co" Documentation for the Framework classes can also be obtained with svn: "svn co" or you can download a .zip version from USAGE NOTES The main classes for port manipulation are MPMacPorts and MPPort classes. MPInterpreter is used internally by those and other classes and is not intended for use by Framework users. In particular, MPInterpreter is not inherently thread safe. Port Activity Notifications During port operations, MacPorts.Framework sends various types of NSNotifications. See MPNotifications' documentation for more info. on that. Framework users (especially those using the framework for GUI applications) are encouraged to execute port manipulation operations in a separate worker thread. This way, your GUI will still be responsive whilst a port operation takes time to perform its tasks. It is, however, not advisable to run port operations concurrently. Since most ports have dependencies, unlikely results might occur if you installed port "foo" and at the same time attempted to uninstall port "bar". The source code contains a Test Bundle project and various other classes that demonstrate usage of the Framework. KNOWN ISSUES The framework is still in its beta stage and is distributed under the BSD License . CONTACT