// // MPActionsController.m // MPGUI // // Created by Juan Germán Castañeda Echevarría on 6/19/09. // Copyright 2009 UNAM. All rights reserved. // #import "MPActionsController.h" @implementation MPActionsController - (IBAction)openPreferences:(id)sender { [NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"Preferences" owner:self]; } //After choosing the variants, this method is called when the user clicks on the Go button - (IBAction)installWithVariantsPerform:(id)sender { if (altWasPressed) { [self clearQueue]; } [variantsPanel close]; [tableController open:nil]; NSLog(@"Staring Installation"); NSArray *selectedPorts = [ports selectedObjects]; id port = [selectedPorts objectAtIndex:0]; //NSLog(@"Lets see %@", [checkboxes[0] title]); //NSLog(@"Port variants:"); NSMutableString *variantsString = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:50]; [variantsString appendString:[port name]]; NSMutableArray *variants=[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:10]; for(UInt i=0; i<[[port valueForKey:@"variants"] count];i++) { //NSLog(@"%@",[[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]); //If the checkbox is checked, the variant is added on the list. If it is a default_variant, a '+' is added in the name, //to comply with the mportopen arguments if ([checkboxes[i] state] == NSOnState) { if (![checkboxes[i] isDefault]) { [variants addObject: [[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]]; [variants addObject: [NSString stringWithString:@"+"]]; } [variantsString appendString:@"+"]; [variantsString appendString:[[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]]; } else if([checkboxes[i] isDefault]) { //If the checkbox is unchecked, we need to check if it is a default_variant, and if so, add it in the list with '-' //in the name, to let macports know that we wish to not use it [variants addObject: [[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]]; [variants addObject: [NSString stringWithString:@"-"]]; [variantsString appendString:@"-"]; [variantsString appendString:[[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]]; } } //NSLog(@"End of Variants"); [self queueOperation:@"install+" portName:variantsString portObject:port variants: variants]; NSLog(@"%@",[port name]); if (altWasPressed) [self startQueue:nil]; } //This method is called when the user clicks install with variants - (IBAction)installWithVariantsChoose:(id)sender { NSArray *selectedPorts = [ports selectedObjects]; id port = [selectedPorts objectAtIndex:0]; //Only go through the fuss if there are variants, otherwise, perform a normal install if([[port valueForKey:@"variants"] count] > 0) { checkboxes[0]=chckbx0; checkboxes[1]=chckbx1; checkboxes[2]=chckbx2; checkboxes[3]=chckbx3; checkboxes[4]=chckbx4; checkboxes[5]=chckbx5; checkboxes[6]=chckbx6; checkboxes[7]=chckbx7; checkboxes[8]=chckbx8; checkboxes[9]=chckbx9; //Hide all checkboxes first for(UInt i=0; i< 10;i++) { [checkboxes[i] setAlphaValue:0]; } //NSLog(@"Port variants:"); //Call checkDefaults to compute the NSMutableArray for key default_variants [port checkDefaults]; NSMutableArray *defaultVariants= [port objectForKey:@"default_variants"]; NSLog(@"Default variants count: %i", [defaultVariants count]); for(UInt i=0; i<[[port valueForKey:@"variants"] count];i++) { //If the variant is included in the default_variants, then check it. Otherwise leave it unchecked //NSLog(@"%@",[[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]); if(defaultVariants != nil && [defaultVariants indexOfObject:[[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]] != NSNotFound) { //NSLog(@"Default %@", [[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]); [checkboxes[i] setState:NSOnState]; [checkboxes[i] setIsDefault:YES]; } else { [checkboxes[i] setState:NSOffState]; [checkboxes[i] setIsDefault:NO];\ } //Show all existing variants, and set their titles [checkboxes[i] setAlphaValue:1]; NSAttributedString *tempString = [[NSAttributedString alloc]\ initWithString:[[port valueForKey:@"variants"] objectAtIndex:i]\ attributes: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [NSColor whiteColor] forKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]]; [checkboxes[i] setAttributedTitle:tempString]; } //NSLog(@"End of Variants"); //Call setConflicts to initialize conflicting variants in the GUI [self setConflicts:port]; [variantsPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; //[variantsPanel makeFirstResponder:[tableController mainWindow]]; } else { [self install:nil]; } } - (IBAction)install:(id)sender { if (altWasPressed) { [self clearQueue]; } [tableController open:nil]; NSLog(@"Staring Installation"); NSArray *selectedPorts = [ports selectedObjects]; for (id port in selectedPorts) { [self queueOperation:@"install" portName:[port name] portObject:port variants:0]; NSLog(@"%@",[port name]); //[[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] // performSelectorInBackground:@selector(installPort:) withObject:port]; } //NSLog(@"Installation Completed"); if (altWasPressed) [self startQueue:nil]; } - (IBAction)uninstall:(id)sender { if (altWasPressed) { [self clearQueue]; } [tableController open:nil]; NSArray *selectedPorts = [ports selectedObjects]; for (id port in selectedPorts) { [self queueOperation:@"uninstall" portName:[port name] portObject:port variants:0]; NSLog(@"%@",[port name]); /* [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(uninstallPort:) withObject:port]; */ } if (altWasPressed) [self startQueue:nil]; } - (IBAction)upgrade:(id)sender { if (altWasPressed) { [self clearQueue]; } [tableController open:nil]; NSArray *selectedPorts = [ports selectedObjects]; for (id port in selectedPorts) { [self queueOperation:@"upgrade" portName:[port name] portObject:port variants:0]; NSLog(@"%@",[port name]); /* [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(upgradePort:) withObject:port]; */ } if (altWasPressed) [self startQueue:nil]; } - (IBAction)sync:(id)sender { if (altWasPressed) { [self clearQueue]; } [tableController open:nil]; [self queueOperation:@"sync" portName:@"-" portObject:@"-" variants:0]; /* [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(sync) withObject:nil]; */ if (altWasPressed) [self startQueue:nil]; } - (IBAction)selfupdate:(id)sender { if (altWasPressed) { [self clearQueue]; } [tableController open:nil]; [self queueOperation:@"selfupdate" portName:@"-" portObject:@"-" variants:0]; /* [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(selfupdate) withObject:nil]; */ if (altWasPressed) [self startQueue:nil]; } - (IBAction)cancel:(id)sender { [[MPMacPorts sharedInstance] cancelCurrentCommand]; } - (IBAction) toggleInfoPanel: (id) sender; { if ([infoPanel isVisible]) { [infoPanel close]; //[variantsPanel close]; } else { [infoPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; //May need to make our MPTableView as the first responder //[infoPanel makeFirstResponder:self]; } } -(IBAction)clickCheckbox:(id)sender { //Are we checking or unchecking the checkbox? BOOL enableDisable; if([sender state]==NSOnState) { enableDisable=NO; } else { enableDisable=YES; } for(UInt j=0;j<[[sender conflictsWith] count]; j++) { //If we are checking the checkbox, then disable and uncheck the conflicting ones //If we are unchecking the checkbox, enable the conflicting ones for(UInt i=0; i<10; i++) { if ([[checkboxes[i] title] isEqualToString:[[sender conflictsWith] objectAtIndex:j]]) { [checkboxes[i] setEnabled:enableDisable]; if (!enableDisable) { [checkboxes[i] setState:NSOffState]; } } } } } -(void)setConflicts: (MPPort *) port { //Initialize the conflicts NSMutableArray for the port, if it wasn't already initialized [port checkConflicts]; NSArray *conflicts = [port objectForKey:@"conflicts"]; //For each conflict in the array, check which checkbox/variant has the same name as the conflict, and //call the setConflictsWith method to add the conflicting checkbox to the conflictsWith array for(UInt j=0; j< [conflicts count];j++) { UInt i; for( i=0; i<10; i++) { if ([[conflicts objectAtIndex:j] objectForKey:[checkboxes[i] title]] != nil) { break; } } [checkboxes[i] setConflictsWith:[[conflicts objectAtIndex:j] objectForKey:[checkboxes[i] title]]]; } } -(BOOL)validateToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem *)toolbarItem { BOOL enable = ![activityController busy]; if ([[toolbarItem itemIdentifier] isEqual:[cancel itemIdentifier]]) { // Cancel button is enabled when busy return !enable; } return enable; } #pragma mark App Delegate - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification { [tableController hidePredicateEditor:self]; NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSString *pkgPath = [defaults objectForKey:@"PKGPath"]; if (pkgPath == nil) { [self openPreferences:self]; } else { [MPMacPorts setPKGPath:pkgPath]; [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(loadPorts) withObject:nil]; } } - (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)theApplication { return YES; } - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification { // I should check if it is running also if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] isWritableFileAtPath:[MPMacPorts PKGPath]]) { [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] cancelPortProcess]; } } //This is called when clicking on the 'start queue' button, or clicking on an operation while holding the alt key -(void) startQueue:(id) sender { NSLog(@"Starting Queue"); NSUInteger index; index = [queueArray count]-1; NSLog(@"Array Size is: %u", index); NSUInteger i; [queue setSelectionIndex: 0]; queueCounter=0; //We add ourselves as an observer in the Notification Center, and call advanceQueue whenever we receive an 'advanceQ' notification [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(advanceQueue) name:@"advanceQ" object:nil]; //We start the operations by advancing in the queue once. When that operation is completed, it will //automatically advance to the next queue by sending an advanceQ notification. [self advanceQueue]; } //This method is called to move through the queue and perform all the operations one by one. Each time this method is called, //we advance one spot in the queue -(void) advanceQueue { NSUInteger index=queueCounter; if([queueArray count]>index) { NSLog(@"Advancing Queue for %u", index); //index = [queue selectionIndex]; NSLog(@"Index before: %u", index); //We select each object from the array [queue setSelectionIndex:index]; //We sleep the process for debugging puproses //sleep(3); //We then take the dictionary NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[queueArray objectAtIndex:index]]; //And we print the operations NSLog(@"Port %@ Operation %@",[dict objectForKey:@"port"], [dict objectForKey:@"operation"]); id port= [dict objectForKey:@"object"]; if ([[dict objectForKey:@"operation"] isEqualToString:@"install"]) { NSLog(@"We have installation"); [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(installPort:) withObject:port]; } else if([[dict objectForKey:@"operation"] isEqualToString:@"install+"]) { NSLog(@"We have installation with variants"); NSArray *variants = [dict objectForKey:@"variants"]; NSArray *portAndVariants = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:port, variants, nil]; [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(installPortWithVariants:) withObject:portAndVariants]; } else if([[dict objectForKey:@"operation"] isEqualToString:@"uninstall"]) { NSLog(@"We have uninstallation"); [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(uninstallPort:) withObject:port]; } else if([[dict objectForKey:@"operation"] isEqualToString:@"upgrade"]) { NSLog(@"We have upgrade"); [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(upgradePort:) withObject:port]; } else if([[dict objectForKey:@"operation"] isEqualToString:@"selfupdate"]) { NSLog(@"We have selfupdate"); [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(selfupdate) withObject:nil]; } else if([[dict objectForKey:@"operation"] isEqualToString:@"sync"]) { NSLog(@"We have sync"); [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(sync) withObject:nil]; } } else { //If we are done, we remove ourselves as an observer from the Notification Center, and we notify the user [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:@"advanceQ" object:nil]; int allops=GROWL_ALLOPS; [[MPActionLauncher sharedInstance] performSelectorInBackground:@selector(sendGrowlNotification:) withObject:(id) allops]; } queueCounter++; } //This method is called when adding a new operation on the queue. Its inputs are the operation to be performed, the port name, the //equivalent port object, and the variants -(void) queueOperation:(NSString*)operation portName:(NSString*)name portObject: (id) port variants: (NSMutableArray*) variants { //We set the operation's icon NSImage *image; if ([operation isEqualToString:@"install"]) { image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"TB_Install.icns"]; } else if ([operation isEqualToString:@"install+"]) { image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"TB_InstallWithVar.icns"]; } else if ([operation isEqualToString:@"uninstall"]) { image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"TB_Uninstall.icns"]; } else if ([operation isEqualToString:@"upgrade"]) { image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"TB_Upgrade.icns"]; } else if ([operation isEqualToString:@"sync"]) { image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"TB_Sync.icns"]; } else if ([operation isEqualToString:@"selfupdate"]) { image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"TB_Selfupdate.icns"]; } //If we have variants, print them out for debugging purposes if(variants!=nil) { for(UInt i=0; i<[variants count]; i++) { NSLog(@"variants array at #%i: %@", i, [variants objectAtIndex:i]); } } NSLog(@"Queueing our Operation"); //Add the operation to the queue [queue addObject:[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:operation, @"operation", name, @"port", port, @"object", image, @"image", variants, @"variants", nil]]; } /* -(void) removeFromQueue:(id)sender { UInt index = [queue selectionIndex]; [queue removeObject: [[queue selectedObjects] objectAtIndex:0]]; [queue setSelectionIndex: index]; } */ //This is called when we have the alt key pressed, so that we clear the queue before adding and performing our new operation -(void) clearQueue { NSIndexSet *tempIndex = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [queueArray count])]; [queue removeObjectsAtArrangedObjectIndexes:tempIndex]; } -(id) init { [variantsPanel setFloatingPanel:YES]; [super init]; return self; } @end