Port Statistics

The statistics server currently knows about <%= Port.count %> ports. On average, each participating user has <%= @average_ports %> of them installed.

<% unless @popular_port_month.nil? && @popular_port_year.nil? %>

Popular Ports

<% end %> <%# Most popular port this month %> <% unless @popular_port_month.nil? %> <% port = @popular_port_month %>

Most popular port this month (<%= @month %>) is <%= link_to port.name, category_port_path(port.category, port) %> with <%= @popular_port_month_count %> installs.

<% end %> <%# Most popular port this year %> <% unless @popular_port_year.nil? %> <% port = @popular_port_year %>

Most popular port this year (<%= @year %>) is <%= link_to port.name, category_port_path(port.category, port) %> with <%= @popular_port_year_count %> installs.

<% end %> <%# Draw chart %> <% controller.set_chart_title :top25, '25 top ports this month' %> <% controller.set_chart_type :top25, "BarChart" %> <%= render :partial => '/partials/chart_draw', :locals => {:charts => [:top25], :chart_height => 850, :headers => true} %>