// vim: set et sw=4 ts=8 ft=asciidoc tw=80: port-livecheck(1) ================= $Id$ NAME ---- port-livecheck - Check if a new version of the software is available SYNOPSIS -------- [cmdsynopsis] *port* [*-vd*] [*-D* 'portdir'] *livecheck* [['portname' | 'pseudo-portname' | 'port-expressions' | 'port-url']] DESCRIPTION ----------- *port livecheck* checks whether a newer version of a given port is available upstream. It (usually) does that by automatically downloading a web page and applying a regular expression that extracts a version number. If the version number is different from the one the port packages, a message is printed. *port livecheck* is useful for maintainers that want to check whether new versions of their ports are available so they can be updated. It can also be used by users that encounter a problem, because updating to the latest upstream version is generally one of the first steps in case of an error of when encountering a bug. include::global-flags.txt[] *-v*:: Print a message if the port is up to date. *-d*:: Print debugging information such as the regular expression and all matches. SEE ALSO -------- man:port[1], man:portfile[7], man:port-upgrade[7], guide:reference.livecheck[Livecheck/Distcheck in the MacPorts Guide] AUTHORS ------- (C) 2014 The MacPorts Project Clemens Lang