# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 package require tcltest 2 namespace import tcltest::* set pwd [file dirname [file normalize $argv0]] source ../port_test_autoconf.tcl package require macports 1.0 array set ui_options {} #set ui_options(ports_debug) yes #set ui_options(ports_verbose) yes mportinit ui_options source ./library.tcl macports_worker_init package require registry 1.0 package require registry2 2.0 package require Pextlib 1.0 package require macports_dlist 1.0 package require macports_util 1.0 package require msgcat package require porttrace 1.0 proc init {} { global macports::registry.path set db_path [file join ${registry.path} registry registry.db] set db_exists [file exists $db_path] #registry::active } proc init_eval_targets {} { global os_platform os_version os_arch macosx_version pwd global version mport portpath portbuildpath set os_platform darwin set macosx_version 10.8 set os_version 11 set os_arch i386 set portpath . set portbuildpath ./build # vars for target_run global portdbpath usealtworkpath set usealtworkpath no set portdbpath $pwd/ set workpath $pwd/work set altprefix "" set mport [mportopen file://.] proc getportbuildpath {id {portname ""}} { global portdbpath regsub {://} $id {.} port_path regsub -all {/} $port_path {_} port_path return [file join $portdbpath build $port_path $portname] } proc getportworkpath_from_buildpath {portbuildpath} { return [file join $portbuildpath work] } proc getportworkpath_from_portdir {portpath {portname ""}} { return [getportworkpath_from_buildpath [getportbuildpath $portpath $portname]] } source $pwd/../portutil.tcl source $pwd/../portmain.tcl #variant provides code requires aaa } # Create a filesystem hierarchy based on the given specification # The mtree spec consists of name/type pairings, where type can be # one of directory, file or link. If type is link, it must be a # two-element list containing the path as the second element proc mtree {root spec} { foreach {entry typelist} $spec { set type [lindex $typelist 0] set link [lindex $typelist 1] set file [file join $root $entry] switch $type { directory { file mkdir $file } file { # touch close [open $file w] } link { # file link doesn't let you link to files that don't exist # so lets farm out to /bin/ln exec /bin/ln -sf $link $file } default { return -code return "Unknown file map type: $typelist" } } } } test option { Option unit test. Tcl 'set' functionality. } -body { if {[option MP macports] != "macports"} {return "FAIL: var not set correctly"} if {$MP != "macports"} {return "FAIL: var not set"} return "Option successful." } -result "Option successful." test exists { Exists unit test. Checks for existance of a Portfile option. } -body { set vara a if {[exists vara] != 1} {return "FAIL: option exists but not detected"} if {[exists varb] != 0} {return "FAIL: option detected although missing"} return "Exists successful." } -result "Exists successful." test handle_option { Handle_option unit test. } -body { if {[handle_option vara a] != "a"} {return "FAIL: unable to set var"} return "Handle_option successful." } -result "Handle_option successful." test handle_option-append { Handle_option append unit test. } -body { set user_options {vara varb} handle_option-append user_options varc if {[lsearch $user_options varc] < 0} {return "FAIL: var not appended"} if {[lsearch $user_options vard] >= 0} {return "FAIL: unappended var found"} return "Handle_option-append successful." } -result "Handle_option-append successful." test handle_option-delete { Handle_option delete unit test. } -body { set user_options {vara varb} handle_option-delete user_options varb if {[lsearch $user_options varb] > 0} {return "FAIL: var not deleted"} if {[lsearch $user_options vara] < 0} {return "FAIL: var not found"} return "Handle_option-delete successful." } -result "Handle_option-delete successful." test handle_option-strsed { Handle_option strsed unit test. } -body { unset user_options array set user_options { opt options } if {[handle_option-strsed opt b] != ""} {return "FAIL: invalid result"} return "Handle_option-strsed successful." } -result "Handle_option-strsed successful." # test handle_option-replace # deprecated test options { Options unit test. } -body { options date if {[date macports] != "macports"} {return "FAIL: incorect options"} return "Options successful." } -result "Options successful." # test options::export # # test options_export # # test handle_deprecated_option # # test get_deprecated_options # # test option_deprecate # test option_proc # test option_proc_trace # # test commands # test command_string # # test command_exec # # test default # test default_check # # test handle_option_string # test variant # test variant_isset # test variant_set # test variant_remove_ditem # # test variant_exists # test load_variant_desc_file # test variant_desc # test platform # test subport # test parse_environment # # test append_to_environment_value # # test append_list_to_environment_value # # test environment_array_to_string # test getdisttag { Get dist tag unit test. } -body { set tag [getdisttag distfile.tar.gz:tag1] if {$tag != "tag1"} {return "FAIL: invalid tag detected"} set tag [getdisttag distfile.tar.gz:tag1:tag2] if {$tag != "tag2"} {return "FAIL: invalid last tag"} set tag [getdisttag distfile.tar.gz] if {$tag != ""} {return "FAIL: detected unexistent tag"} return "Getdisttag successful." } -result "Getdisttag successful." test getdistname { Get dist tag unit test. } -body { set tag [getdistname distfile.tar.gz:tag1] if {$tag != "distfile.tar.gz"} {return "FAIL: invalid name detected"} set tag [getdistname distfile.gz::tag1] if {$tag != "distfile.gz:"} {return "FAIL: invalid name"} return "Getdistname successful." } -result "Getdistname successful." test tbool { Tbool unit test. Check if variable is in calling namespace. } -setup { set vara "yes" set varb no } -body { if {[tbool vara] == 0} { return "FAIL: var not true" } if {[tbool varb] != 0} { return "FAIL: var not false" } if {[tbool var] != 0} { return "FAIL: var should not be here" } return "tbool successful." } -result "tbool successful." test ldelete { Ldelete unit test. Remove one value from list. } -setup { set list {a b a} set empty {} } -body { if {[ldelete $list b] != {a a}} { return "FAIL: element not deleted" } if {[ldelete $list a] != {b a}} { return "FAIL: first element not removed" } if {[ldelete $empty a] != {}} { return "FAIL: list was empty" } return "ldelete successful." } -result "ldelete successful." test reinplace { Reinplace unit test. "Sed in place" functionality. } -setup { global macportsuser set macportsuser macports set root "/tmp/macports-portutil-reinplace" file delete -force $root set workpath $root set worksrcpath $root set file $root/file source ../port_autoconf.tcl file mkdir $root set fs [open $file w+] puts $fs "Macports reinplace unit test?" close $fs set second $root/dir file mkdir $second file copy -force $root/file $second/file } -body { reinplace s/Macports/MacPorts/1 $file catch {set f [open $file r]} set cont [read -nonewline $f] if { $cont != "MacPorts reinplace unit test?" } { return "FAIL: reinplace no args." } close $f reinplace -E s/test?/testing/1 $file catch {set f [open $file r]} set cont [read -nonewline $f] if { $cont != "MacPorts reinplace unit testing?" } { return "FAIL: reinplace (-E) extended regex." } close $f reinplace -W $second s/Macports/MP/1 file catch {set f [open $second/file r]} set cont [read -nonewline $f] if { $cont != "MP reinplace unit test?" } { return "FAIL: reinplace (-W) relative path." } close $f reinplace -n s/unit/testing/1 $file catch {set f [open $file r]} set cont [read -nonewline $f] if { $cont != "" } { return "FAIL: reinplace (-n) suppress output." } close $f return "Reinplace successful." } -cleanup { file delete -force $root } -result "Reinplace successful." test delete { Delete unit test. } -setup { set root "/tmp/macports-portutil-delete" file delete -force $root try { mtree $root { a directory a/a file a/b file a/c directory a/c/a file a/c/b {link ../b} a/c/c {link ../../b} a/c/d directory a/c/d/a file a/c/d/b directory a/c/d/c file a/d file b directory b/a file b/b {link q} b/c directory b/c/a file b/c/b file b/d file } } } -body { delete $root/a/c/b if {[file exists $root/a/c/b] || ![file exists $root/a/b]} { return "FAIL: delete with single args." } delete $root/a $root/b if {[file exists $root/a] || [file exists $root/b]} { return "FAIL: delete with multiple args."" } return "Files deleted." } -cleanup { file delete -force $root } -result "Files deleted." test touch { Touch unit test. } -setup { set root "/tmp/macports-portutil-touch" file delete -force $root } -body { touch -c $root if {[file exists $root]} { return "FAIL: touch unsuccessful" } touch $root if {![file exists $root]} { return "FAIL: touch unsuccessful" } return "Files successfully touched." } -cleanup { file delete -force $root } -result "Files successfully touched." test ln { ln unit test. } -setup { set oldpwd [pwd] set root "/tmp/macports-portutil-ln" file delete -force $root file mkdir $root } -body { close [open $root/a w] ln -s a $root/b if {[catch {file type $root/b}]} { return "FAIL: symlink not created." } if {[file type $root/b] ne "link"} { return "FAIL: expected link." } close [open $root/c w] if {![catch {ln -s c $root/b}]} { return "FAIL: ln not created." } ln -s -f c $root/b if {[catch {file type $root/b}] || [file type $root/b] ne "link"} { return "FAIL: ln failed." } file delete $root/b ln $root/a $root/b if {[catch {file type $root/b}] || [file type $root/b] ne "file"} { return "FAIL: ln failed." } file delete $root/b file mkdir $root/dir ln -s dir $root/b ln -s a $root/b if {[catch {file type $root/dir/a}] || [file type $root/dir/a] ne "link"} { return "FAIL: directory ln failed." } file delete $root/dir/a ln -s -f -h a $root/b if {[catch {file type $root/b}] || [file type $root/b] ne "link" || [file readlink $root/b] ne "a"} { return "FAIL: readlink error." } cd $root/dir ln -s ../c if {[catch {file type $root/dir/c}] || [file type $root/dir/c] ne "link"} { return "FAIL: ln failed." } ln -s foobar $root/d if {[catch {file type $root/d}] || [file type $root/d] ne "link" || [file readlink $root/d] ne "foobar"} { return "FAIL: readlink error." } ln -s -f -h z $root/dir if {[catch {file type $root/dir/z}] || [file type $root/dir/z] ne "link"} { return "FAIL: ln failed." } ln -sf q $root/dir if {[catch {file type $root/dir/q}] || [file type $root/dir/q] ne "link"} { return "FAIL: error combined ln flags." } return "Files successfully linked." } -cleanup { cd $oldpwd file delete -force $root } -result "Files successfully linked." test makeuserproc { Make user proc unit test. } -setup { global MP set MP macports } -body { makeuserproc test-proc "\{ if \{ \$MP == \"macports\" \} \{return \"works\"\} \}" set res [test-proc] if { $res != "works" } { return "FAIL: global var not set in proc" } return "Make user proc successful." } -result "Make user proc successful." # test backup - # test lipo - test unobscure_maintainers { Unobscure maintainers unit test. } -body { set list { port } if { [unobscure_maintainers $list] != "port@macports.org" } { return "FAIL: invalid maintainer name" } set list { google.com:port } if { [unobscure_maintainers $list] != "port@google.com" } { return "FAIL: invalid maintainer name" } set list { port@google.com } if { [unobscure_maintainers $list] != "port@google.com" } { return "FAIL: invalid maintainer name" } return "unobscure_maintainers successful." } -result "unobscure_maintainers successful." # test target_run # test recursive_collect_deps test eval_targets { Evaluate targets unit test. } -setup { init_eval_targets set patchfiles {file.diff} file mkdir $filespath set fd [open $filespath/file.diff w+] puts $fd "first line should get to the workpath" close $fd # sets up PortInfo array if {[eval_variants variations] != 0} { mportclose $mport error "Error evaluating variants" } set epoch $PortInfo(epoch) set revision $PortInfo(revision) # messy work just to get $version set workername [ditem_key $mport workername] } -body { if {[$workername eval catch {eval_targets macport}] != 1} { return "FAIL: invalid target detected" } if {[$workername eval eval_targets checksum] != 0} { return "FAIL: valid target not detected" } return "Eval_targets successful." } -cleanup { mportclose $mport file delete -force $filespath file delete -force work } -result "Eval_targets successful." test get_statefile_value { Get statefile value unit test. Depends on line in statefile "target: org.macports.fetch". } -body { set fd [open $pwd/statefile r] set res [catch {get_statefile_value target $fd result}] if {$res != 0 || $result != "org.macports.fetch"} { return "FAIL: invalid value" } return "Get statefile value successful." } -result "Get statefile value successful." test check_statefile { Check statefile unit test. } -body { set fd [open $pwd/statefile r] set res [check_statefile target org.macports.patch $fd] if {$res != 1} {return "FAIL: target not found"} set res [check_statefile target org.macports.port $fd] if {$res != 0} {return "FAIL: invalid target found"} close $fd return "Check_statefile successful." } -result "Check_statefile successful." test write_statefile { Write statefile unit test. } -body { set fd [open $pwd/test.statefile w+] write_statefile variant universal $fd set res [check_statefile variant universal $fd] if {$res != 1} {return "FAIL: variant not set"} close $fd return "Write_statefile successful." } -cleanup { file delete -force $pwd/test.statefile } -result "Write_statefile successful." test check_statefile_variants { Check statefile unit test. } -setup { array set variations { target org.macports.fetch target org.macports.checksum } array set oldvariations { target org.macports.fetch target org.macports.checksum } array set oldvariations_fail { target org.macports.patch } set fd [open $pwd/statefile r] } -body { set res [check_statefile_variants variations oldvariations $fd] if {$res != 0} {return "FAIL: invalid variant"} set res [check_statefile_variants variations oldvariations_fail $fd] if {$res != 1} {return "FAIL: invalid variant"} close $fd return "Check statefile successful." } -result "Check statefile successful." test choose_variants { Choose variants unit test. } -setup { init_eval_targets array set variations { fondu + } array set variations_neg { fondu - } array set variations_not { fondu a } } -body { set res [choose_variants $mport variations] if {[lindex $res 1] != "" && [lindex $res 0] != "ditem_1"} { return "FAIL: invalid variations" } set res [choose_variants $mport variations_neg] if {[lindex $res 0] != "" && [lindex $res 1] != "ditem_1"} { return "FAIL: invalid variations" } set res [choose_variants $mport variations_not] if {[lindex $res 0] != "" && [lindex $res 1] != ""} { return "FAIL: invalid variations" } return "Choose variant successful." } -result "Choose variant successful." test variant_run { Variant run unit test. Executes proc with same name as variant. } -setup { proc variant-var {} { set var test } set ditem [variant_new var] set name [ditem_key $ditem name] } -body { if {[catch {variant_run $ditem}] != 0} { return "FAIL: unable to run variant name proc" } return "Variant run successful." } -cleanup { mportclose $mport file delete -force work } -result "Variant run successful." test canonicalize_variants { Canonicalize_variants unit test. } -body { set arr {c + b - d +} if {[canonicalize_variants $arr +] != "+c+d"} { return "FAIL: incorrect string" } if {[canonicalize_variants $arr -] != "-b"} { return "FAIL: incorrect string" } return "Canonicalize variants successful." } -result "Canonicalize variants successful." # test eval_variants # test check_variants test universal_setup { Universal setup unit test. } -body { set use_configure 0 set ditem [variant_new new-variant] if {[catch {universal_setup}] != 0} { return "FAIL: universal variant not set" } return "Universal_setup successful." } -result "Universal_setup successful." # Covered by eval_targets. # test target_new # # test target_provides # # test target_requires # # test target_uses # # test target_deplist # # test target_prerun # # test target_postrun # # test target_runtype # # test target_state # # test target_init # test variant_new { Variant new unit test. } -body { set ditem [variant_new new-variant] if {[ditem_key $ditem name] != "new-variant"} { return "FAIL: error building new variant" } return "Variant new successful." } -result "Variant new successful." test handle_default_variants { Handle default variants unit test. } -body { array set variations { target.run org.macports.checksum } set res [handle_default_variants target set {+org -org2}] if {[lindex $PortInfo(vinfo) 0] != "org" || [lindex $PortInfo(vinfo) 1] != "is_default +"} { return "FAIL: default variant not set" } if {[lindex $PortInfo(vinfo) 2] != "org2" || [lindex $PortInfo(vinfo) 3] != "is_default -"} { return "FAIL: nondefault variant not set" } return "Handle default variant successful." } -result "Handle default variant successful." # test handle_add_users # # test adduser # # test addgroup # test dirSize { Directory size unit test. This test is dependent on the statefile in the tests dir. Expected file size is 155. } -body { global pwd file mkdir $pwd/test.dir file copy -force $pwd/statefile $pwd/test.dir if {[dirSize $pwd/test.dir] != 155} { return "FAIL: wrong dir size" } return "Directory size calculated successfully." } -cleanup { file delete -force $pwd/test.dir } -result "Directory size calculated successfully." test set_ui_prefix { Set_ui unit test. Assumes default: "---> ". } -body { set env(UI_PREFIX) MacPorts set_ui_prefix if {$UI_PREFIX != "MacPorts"} {return "FAIL: incorrect prefix"} unset env(UI_PREFIX) set_ui_prefix if {$UI_PREFIX != "---> "} {return "FAIL; default prefix not set"} return "Set_ui_prefix successful." } -result "Set_ui_prefix successful." # test PortGroup test get_portimage_name { Get portimage name unit test. } -body { set os.platform darwin set version 1.0 set os.major 10 set revision 2 set configure.build_arch no set portarchivetype tgz set subport testport set portvariants {var1} set supported_archs {} set res [get_portimage_name] if {$res != "testport-1.0_2var1.darwin_10.no.tgz"} { return "FAIL: invalid portimage_name" } return "Get portimage_name successful." } -result "Get portimage_name successful." test get_portimage_path { Get portimage path unit test. Calls get_portimage_name. } -body { set os.platform darwin set portdbpath dbpath set subport subport set revision 2 set portvariants {var1} set supported_archs {} set res [get_portimage_path] if {$res != [file normalize "dbpath/software/subport/subport-1.0_2var1.darwin_10.no.tgz"]} { return "FAIL: invalid portimage_path" } return "Get portimage_path successful." } -result "Get portimage_path successful." test supportedArchiveTypes { Supported archive types unit test. Only tests xar, zip, cpio. } -body { set archives [supportedArchiveTypes] foreach archive $archives { if {$archive == "xar" && ![file exists ${portutil::autoconf::xar_path}]} { return "FAIL: xar detected but inexistent" } if {$archive == "zip" && ![file exists ${portutil::autoconf::zip_path}]} { return "FAIL: zip detected but inexistent" } if {$archive == "cpio" && ![file exists ${portutil::autoconf::cpio_path}]} { return "FAIL: cpio detected but inexistent" } } return "Supported archives successful." } -result "Supported archives successful." # test find_portarchie_path # test archiveTypeIsSupported # test extract_archive_metadata # test merge_lipo # test merge_cpp # test merge_file # test merge # test quotemeta # test chown # test chownAsRoot # test fileAttrsAsRoot # test elevateToRoot # test dropPrivileges # test validate_macportsuser # test _libtest # test _bintest # test _pathtest # test _get_dep_port # test get_canonical_archs # test get_canonical_archflags # test check_supported_archs # test _check_xcode_version # test _archive_available cleanupTests