# $Id: Portfile,v 1.6 2003/04/30 05:28:08 jpm Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name pth version 2.0.0 revision 0 categories devel maintainers jpm@opendarwin.org description GNU Portable Threads long_description \ Pth is a very portable POSIX/ANSI-C based library for Unix platforms \ which provides non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple \ threads of execution ("multithreading") inside server applications. All \ threads run in the same address space of the server application, but \ each thread has it's own individual program-counter, run-time stack, \ signal mask and errno variable. homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/pth/ platforms darwin master_sites http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/${name}/ \ ftp://ftp.ossp.org/pkg/lib/${name}/ checksums md5 f84a87295fef3b41499f3b728b1f0050