# $Id: Portfile,v 1.27 2003/03/03 07:18:03 mij Exp $ PortSystem 1.0 name dict version 1.7.1 categories textproc spelling maintainers landonf@opendarwin.org description Dictionary Server Protocol (RFC2229) client long_description The Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT) is a TCP \ transaction based query/response protocol that \ allows a client to access dictionary definitions \ from a set of natural language dictionary databases. \ dict(1) is a client which can access DICT servers \ from the command line. homepage http://www.dict.org/ platforms darwin freebsd master_sites ftp://ftp.dict.org/pub/dict/ distname ${portname}d-${portversion} checksums md5 81317b86ea0a5df0163900ad2e6bb12c patchfiles patch-Makefile.in patch-dict.h patch-config.guess patch-config.sub patch-libmaa-config.guess patch-libmaa-config.sub patch-darwin configure.args --without-local-zlib --with-etcdir=${prefix}/etc build.type gnu build.target dict install.target install.dict prefix=${destroot}/${prefix} post-patch { reinplace s|/etc/|${prefix}/etc/|g "${workpath}/${distname}/dict.1" }