=== About mpvim mpvim adds MacPorts support to vim. This currently includes syntax coloring for Portfiles and running lint from vim. === Manual installation Run 'make install' or copy the files in this directory into ~/.vim. === Installation via MacPorts Run 'sudo port install mpvim'; the files will be placed into share/vim/vimfiles under the MacPorts prefix (/opt/local by default). === Usage * :make runs 'port lint' on the Portfile in the current buffer * :MPpatch <url> applies the patch located at <url> to the Portfile in the current buffer and shows the differences with vimdiff. Also automatically fetches the patch format in case the diff is on trac. * add 'let g:portfile_highlight_space_errors=1' to your .vimrc to highlight mixed spaces and tabs in Portfiles as errors * mpvim supports snipMate (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2540) snippets. "new<Tab>" in a new buffer named Portfile will create a new Portfile skeleton. Subsequent <Tab>'s will cycle through the variables. More snippets are available for variants, build phases etc. Take a look at snippets/portfile.vim for the complete list