# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0

name             sox
conflicts        play
version          14.4.0
revision         1
categories       audio
platforms        darwin
maintainers      stare.cz:hans
license          GPL-2+ LGPL-2.1+

description      the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
long_description \
	SoX (also known as Sound eXchange) translates sound samples between \
	different file formats, and optionally applies various sound \
	effects. SoX is intended as the Swiss Army knife of sound processing \
	tools. It doesn't do anything very well, but sooner or later it \
	comes in very handy.

homepage         http://sox.sourceforge.net/
master_sites     sourceforge:project/sox/sox/${version}
use_bzip2        yes
checksums        sha1    12dfc57e503ed4e18cedcac292cdae7982281978 \
                 rmd160  d8dcf58fe0012fa02450893252fdee7759b7b54a

# replaces wget(1) with ftp(1)
patchfiles	patch-src-formats.c.diff

depends_lib	port:libsndfile		\
		port:libid3tag		\
		port:libvorbis		\
		port:libogg		\
		port:libmad		\
		port:lame		\
		port:flac		\
		port:wavpack		\
		port:opencore-amr	\
		port:twolame		\
		port:file		\
		port:libpng		\
		port:libiconv		\

configure.args   		\
	--enable-largefile	\
	--enable-symlinks	\
	--disable-gomp		\
	--without-libltdl	\
	--with-magic		\
	--with-png		\
	--without-ladspa	\
	--with-gsm		\
	--with-lpc10		\
	--with-mad		\
	--with-mp3		\
	--with-id3tag		\
	--with-lame		\
	--with-twolame		\
	--with-oggvorbis	\
	--with-flac		\
	--with-amrwb		\
	--with-amrnb		\
	--with-wavpack		\
	--with-sndfile		\
	--without-ffmpeg	\
	--with-coreaudio	\
	--without-sndio		\
	--without-alsa		\
	--without-ao		\
	--without-pulseaudio	\
	--without-waveaudio	\
	--without-oss		\