# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name mips-rtems-binutils version 2.18 # Parameters for this port. set crossgcc-target mips-rtems set rtemsversion 4.9 description FSF Binutils for mips-rtems cross development long_description Free Software Foundation development toolchain ("binutils") for \ mips-rtems cross development (MIPS ISA Levels 1 and above for 32 \ and 64 bit CPU models) platforms darwin categories cross devel maintainers nomaintainer homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/binutils/binutils.html master_sites gnu:binutils:binutils \ http://www.rtems.com/ftp/pub/rtems/SOURCES/${rtemsversion}/:rtems \ ftp://ftp.rtems.com/pub/rtems/SOURCES/${rtemsversion}/:rtems \ macports:pguyot:rtems distname binutils-${version} distfiles binutils-${version}.tar.bz2:binutils use_bzip2 yes checksums md5 e26e2e06b6e4bf3acf1dc8688a94c0d1 \ sha1 a557686eef68362ea31a3aa41ce274e3eeae1ef0 \ rmd160 3995d7ed97f115e76ce55b4c1f5256d53559c84f checksums binutils-${version}.tar.bz2 \ md5 9d22ee4dafa3a194457caf4706f9cf01 \ sha1 fdec92e9dfc6c32155869f3910f47041c78e2277 \ rmd160 78d07475667c55ecbf9068dbb90362a3445b2a99 \ binutils-${version}-rtems${rtemsversion}-20080211.diff \ md5 5417bb3ff14da49c87c05a881a405166 \ sha1 ddc5236c3c627596df2426b78c770ae958fbb4c7 \ rmd160 73c6a64b322fcd35ff13a0254b416dce19428c8b patchfiles binutils-${version}-rtems${rtemsversion}-20080211.diff:rtems patch.pre_args -p1 depends_lib port:gettext # All cross ports violate the mtree layout. destroot.violate_mtree yes # Download everything to binutils/ dist_subdir binutils # Build in a different directory, as advised in the README file. pre-configure { system "cd ${workpath} && mkdir -p build"} configure.dir ${workpath}/build configure.cmd ${worksrcpath}/configure configure.args --infodir='${prefix}/share/info' --target=${crossgcc-target} \ --program-prefix=${crossgcc-target}- --mandir='${prefix}/share/man' \ --disable-werror build.dir ${workpath}/build # We don't want the etc module. post-extract { system "rm -rf ${worksrcpath}/etc" } post-patch { namespace eval crossgcc {} # Fix the info pages and related stuff. # # path: path to the doc directory (e.g. gas/doc/) # makefile: path to Makefile.in (e.g. gas/doc/Makefile.in) # name: name of the info page (e.g. as) # suffix: suffix of the souce page (texinfo or texi) proc crossgcc::fixinfo { path makefile name suffix } { global crossgcc-target worksrcpath # Fix the source reinplace "s|setfilename ${name}.info|setfilename ${crossgcc-target}-${name}.info|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix} reinplace "s|(${name})|(${crossgcc-target}-${name})|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix} reinplace "s|@file{${name}}|@file{${crossgcc-target}-${name}}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix} # Fix the Makefile reinplace "s|${name}.info|${crossgcc-target}-${name}.info|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} reinplace "s|${name}.${suffix}|${crossgcc-target}-${name}.${suffix}|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/${makefile} # Rename the source file rename ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${name}.${suffix} \ ${worksrcpath}/${path}/${crossgcc-target}-${name}.${suffix} # Fix install-info's dir. # (note: this may be effectless if there was no info dir to be fixed) reinplace "s|--info-dir=\$(DESTDIR)\$(infodir)|--dir-file=\$(DESTDIR)\$(infodir)/${crossgcc-target}-dir|g" \ "${worksrcpath}/${makefile}" } # Fix the gettext files and related stuff. # # module: name of the module (e.g. gas) proc crossgcc::fixgettext { module } { global crossgcc-target worksrcpath if { [ file exists "${worksrcpath}/${module}/Makefile.in" ] } { reinplace "s|@PACKAGE@|${crossgcc-target}-@PACKAGE@|g" \ "${worksrcpath}/${module}/Makefile.in" } if { [ file exists "${worksrcpath}/${module}/doc/Makefile.in" ] } { reinplace "s|@PACKAGE@|${crossgcc-target}-@PACKAGE@|g" \ "${worksrcpath}/${module}/doc/Makefile.in" } if { [ file exists "${worksrcpath}/${module}/po/Make-in" ] } { reinplace "s|@PACKAGE@|${crossgcc-target}-@PACKAGE@|g" \ "${worksrcpath}/${module}/po/Make-in" } } # gas/doc/as.texinfo crossgcc::fixinfo gas/doc/ gas/doc/Makefile.in as texinfo # bfd/doc/bfd.texinfo crossgcc::fixinfo bfd/doc/ bfd/doc/Makefile.in bfd texinfo # binutils/doc/binutils.texi crossgcc::fixinfo binutils/doc/ binutils/doc/Makefile.in binutils texi # gprof/gprof.texi crossgcc::fixinfo gprof/ gprof/Makefile.in gprof texi # ld/ld.texinfo crossgcc::fixinfo ld/ ld/Makefile.in ld texinfo # gettext stuff. crossgcc::fixgettext bfd crossgcc::fixgettext binutils crossgcc::fixgettext gas crossgcc::fixgettext gprof crossgcc::fixgettext ld crossgcc::fixgettext opcodes } post-destroot { # Installing (host) libiberty was a mistake. foreach f [glob -directory "${destroot}${prefix}/lib" libiberty.a */libiberty.a] { file delete $f } } livecheck.type freecode livecheck.name binutils