# $Id$

PortSystem	1.0

name		argtable
version		2.7
revision	0
categories	devel
maintainers	waqar openmaintainer
description	ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line arguments
long_description	\
	Argtable is an ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command 	\
	line arguments, as in foo -abc -o myfile --help --count=7. 	\
	It enables a program's command line syntax to be defined in 	\
	the source code as an array of argtable structs. The parsing 	\
	itself is done using GNU getopt and so is 100% GNU compatible.
homepage	http://argtable.sourceforge.net
platforms	darwin
distname	${name}2-7
master_sites	sourceforge
checksums	md5 a84130293aab3bc09631cbee717ede93			\
		sha1 bd6aff594055c27a7e858b327208cacdf6847cea
configure.args  --mandir=${prefix}/share/man				\
post-configure	{
	reinplace "s|${prefix}|${destroot}${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile