# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0
name            darcs-devel
version         2.0.0pre4
categories      devel
maintainers     nomaintainer
description     David's Advanced Revision Control System
long_description \
                David's Advanced Revision Control System is yet \
                another replacement for CVS. It is written in Haskell, \
                and has been tested on Linux and Mac OS X. Darcs \
                includes a cgi script, which can be used to view the \
                contents of your repository.

homepage        http://darcs.net/
platforms       darwin
master_sites    ${homepage}
distname        darcs-${version}

checksums       md5 8c193914aac3e056fc54c9fb7bcf4e12 \
                sha1 97b64969287109076bd04914df5ba863d3e5722f \
                rmd160 67af877de30b160eb98cc01cc852c75fa203b22c

depends_build   port:ghc
depends_lib     port:readline \
                port:curl \

configure.args  --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \

build.env       PREFIX=${prefix}
destroot.env    PREFIX=${prefix}

# This is broken right now.
#variant docs {
#    depends_build-append    port:latex2html
#    configure.args-delete   --without-docs
#    configure.args-append   --with-docs