# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0

name                    diffstat
version                 1.55
categories              devel
maintainers             toby
description             Make histogram from diff-output
long_description        diffstat reads the output of diff and displays a histogram\
                        of the insertions, deletions, and modifications per-file.\
                        It is useful for reviewing large, complex patch files.
homepage                http://invisible-island.net/diffstat/
platforms               darwin
master_sites            ftp://invisible-island.net/diffstat/
extract.suffix          .tgz
checksums               sha1    625650a9f1a27edbb98316adb3013e57c8e2e23a \
                        rmd160  213673a4d06b41e8502d40eda8448332ce401b76 \
                        sha256  59a46c75a99f2c373a81880051adc43a17b71c55478691e702c61c13c6d61b55

configure.args          --mandir=${prefix}/share/man

test.run                yes
test.target             check