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# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0

name            google-sparsehash
version         1.8.1
categories      devel
maintainers     piu.fm:a
platforms       darwin
description     An extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation
long_description \
    An extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation. 2 \
    bits/entry overhead! The SparseHash library contains several \
    hash-map implementations, including implementations that optimize \
    for space or speed.\
    These hashtable implementations are similar in API to SGI's \
    hash_map class, but with different performance \
    characteristics. It's easy to replace hash_map by sparse_hash_map \
    or dense_hash_map in C++ code.

distname        sparsehash-${version}
homepage        http://code.google.com/p/google-sparsehash/
master_sites    http://google-sparsehash.googlecode.com/files/

checksums           md5     1cccc539f4cd4bff42e5662b870eb723 \
                    sha1    a390091d19bb07381fd8344a3f4713022310e9e7 \
                    rmd160  76cf2434ba1ca556d462fe4ba96820209b97535d