# $Id$

PortSystem        1.0

name              gwenhywfar
version           3.11.3
revision          2
# this is specific to this port and *version* for downloading it
set release       31
platforms         darwin
license           {LGPL-2.1 OpenSSLException}

categories        devel net finance
maintainers       mk openmaintainer

description       a utility library required by aqbanking and related software
long_description  ${description}

homepage          http://www2.aquamaniac.de/sites/aqbanking/index.php
master_sites      http://www2.aquamaniac.de/sites/download/download.php?package=01&release=${release}&file=01&dummy=

checksums         md5     9ab62d881a0f39d4b07ea0badff7201f \
                  sha1    97c8f2232416c224f096ec9958e5d9d70291e012 \
                  rmd160  a04e394ff0b316291c64c4cfa6630185194a2a4b

conflicts         gwenhywfar4 gwenhywfar4-gtk

depends_lib       port:openssl \
                  port:libgcrypt \
                  port:gettext \
                  port:libxml2 \

depends_build     port:libtool \

configure.args    --enable-static

variant enable_local_install description "Enable local installation mode (plugins, data, locale and config are located relatively to the binary)" {
    configure.args-append   --enable-local-install 

livecheck.type    none