# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup           haskell 1.0

haskell.setup       mmap 0.5.7
license             BSD
maintainers         nomaintainer
description         Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows
long_description \
	This library provides a wrapper to mmap(2) or MapViewOfFile,	\
	allowing files or devices to be lazily loaded into memory as	\
	strict or lazy ByteStrings, ForeignPtrs or plain Ptrs, using	\
	the virtual memory subsystem to do on-demand loading.		\
	Modifications are also supported.

platforms           darwin

checksums           md5     1f74b3f59617332b06e277f5212423c1 \
                    sha1    ea6bae1f511caeba32cf7e50f0409152f8384f93 \
                    rmd160  959c4d7262cee83d6bacbdda28f226cc8c5377b5

depends_lib	port:ghc

universal_variant	no

configure.args-append   -v --enable-library-profiling	\

build.args-append   -v