# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup	haskell 1.0

haskell.setup	zlib
license		BSD
maintainers	nomaintainer
platforms	darwin

description	The Haskell Zlib Binding (development version)
long_description	\
		Haskell bindings to the Zlib library for compression \
                and decompression in gzip and zlib format.  The library \
		acts directly on ByteString values.

checksums	md5     19859e241dc18ef1501a5d44d8523507		\
		sha1    e40025b464a3a701c3e835dbc0ae540c73bad1fc	\
		rmd160  5d9b674e235b260f64d65051afecebc935c2a7ae

depends_lib	port:ghc	\

universal_variant	no

configure.args-append	-v --enable-library-profiling		\

build.args-append	-v