# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 noexpandtab filetype=tcl : PortSystem 1.0 name nonpareil version 0.79 revision 3 platforms darwin categories emulators maintainers krischik description a high-fidelity simulator for calculators. long_description Nonpareil is a high-fidelity simulator for calculators. \ It currently supports many HP calculators models \ introduced between 1972 and 1982. Simulation fidelity \ is achieved through the use of the actual microcode of \ the calculators, thus in most cases the simulation \ behavior exactly matches that of the real calculator. \ In particular, numerical results will be identical, \ because the simulator is using the BCD arithmetic \ algorithms from the calculator. homepage http://nonpareil.brouhaha.com/ master_sites http://nonpareil.brouhaha.com/download:prog \ macports:nonpareil:appbundles \ macports:nonpareil:voyager set patchversion 47826 set prog nonpareil-${version}.tar.gz set appbundles nonpareil-appbundles-r${patchversion}.tar.gz distfiles ${prog}:prog \ ${appbundles}:appbundles checksums ${prog} \ md5 4274dee70d9633304194a904b2573489 \ sha1 83bc2f57e6ece9ce19e3449cce075ef246a9f4c2 \ rmd160 0bbf88e7c4614ac757bebbc1089804bea088d181 \ ${appbundles} \ md5 b71f77851f4204b984b80e57c4ad7e65 \ sha1 4798b1ae8a56275a4c2eb4df54f352c457f1ff0a \ rmd160 f0aa0eea748297f652f08c239fe1922b9f61e31d extract.only ${prog} \ ${appbundles} depends_lib path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \ port:gtk2 \ port:libxml2 \ port:libsdl_sound \ port:netpbm depends_build port:bison \ port:flex \ port:pkgconfig \ port:scons patchfiles osx.patch \ patch-src-util.diff use_parallel_build yes use_configure no build.cmd scons build.args prefix=${prefix} build.target destroot.args prefix=${prefix} destdir=${destroot} post-patch { reinplace s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g ${worksrcpath}/src/SConscript } platform macosx { post-destroot { xinstall -d ${destroot}${applications_dir}/Nonpareil foreach calc {HP-21 HP-25 HP-32E HP-33C HP-34C HP-37E HP-38C HP-38E HP-41CV HP-41CX HP-45 HP-55 HP-80} { copy \ ${workpath}/appbundles-r${patchversion}/${calc}.app \ ${destroot}${applications_dir}/Nonpareil reinplace s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g \ ${destroot}${applications_dir}/Nonpareil/${calc}.app/Contents/MacOS/${calc}.command } } } variant voyager \ description "Include Voyager Models (Not GPL licenced)!" { set voyager nonpareil-voyager-r${patchversion}.tar.gz distfiles-append ${voyager}:voyager checksums-append ${voyager} \ md5 fbb227a28045c0bf8165bba86f199ec9 \ sha1 8a51f656a523c5739d82a35ad933f8c448be58e6 \ rmd160 4f7fec5af3b387fd6a7df44ce0a7b019eeb4a253 extract.only-append ${voyager} depends_build-append port:p7zip \ port:netpbm patchfiles-append patch-image-voyager.diff \ patch-kml-voyager.diff \ patch-rom-voyager.diff \ patch-src-voyager.diff post-patch { system -W ${worksrcpath} " cp -R -v ../voyager-r${patchversion}/* . " } post-destroot { foreach calc {HP-11C HP-12C HP-15C HP-16C} { copy \ ${workpath}/appbundles-r${patchversion}/${calc}.app \ ${destroot}${applications_dir}/Nonpareil reinplace s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g \ ${destroot}${applications_dir}/Nonpareil/${calc}.app/Contents/MacOS/${calc}.command } } } variant debugger \ description "Include Debugger!" { build.args-append debug=yes has_debugger_gui=yes destroot.args-append debug=yes has_debugger_gui=yes } variant hpil \ description "Include HP-Interface-Loop emulation (experimental) See http://pagesperso-orange.fr/kdntl/hp41/nonpareil-patch-doc.html" { global hpil set hpil nonpareil-wholepatch-20090714.diff.bz2 # can't just add to patchfiles because this one needs -p1 but the rest -p0 distfiles-append ${hpil}:hpil master_sites-append http://pagesperso-orange.fr/kdntl/hp41:hpil checksums-append ${hpil} \ md5 2bc700c9cb49ec4e0fe0240ab5653688 \ sha1 e77648269e6e8cb04f6b4b275077ed8493b451ae \ rmd160 ec3bea3f6eda7d29a480a880a7875d4e9fc6c8cf patchfiles-delete patch-src-util.diff post-patch { system -W ${worksrcpath} "bzcat ${distpath}/${hpil} | patch -p1" } }