# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup xcode 1.0 name fuse4x-kext version 0.9.0 revision 1 set tag [string map {. _ } $version] categories fuse devel platforms macosx maintainers dports description A kernel extension for Fuse4X long_description Fuse4X implements a mechanism that makes it \ possible to implement a fully functional file \ system in a user-space program on Mac OS X. It \ aims to be API-compliant with the FUSE \ (File-system in USErspace) mechanism that \ originated on Linux. Therefore, many existing \ FUSE file systems become readily usable on Mac OS \ X. This port provides the dynamically loadable \ kernel extension at the core of Fuse4X. homepage http://fuse4x.org/ license BSD master_sites https://github.com/fuse4x/kext/tarball/fuse4x_${tag} checksums sha256 8001a515945ab3ea72df788e89ef66ce608e06ba1444163bfbba928056d0fad5 \ rmd160 89578f947aa916e6435e011ea7964673e213ca3f extract.mkdir yes extract.post_args "| tar --strip-components=1 -xf -" # This port installs a kernel module, so it must be built for the same # architecture as the kernel. We don't have a way to get that; # build_arch is the userland architecture, which may be different # (e.g. 64-bit userland with 32-bit kernel). So build a universal # binary by default on Intel platforms. On PPC, there's only one # kernel, so don't try to build it ppc64 or universal. supported_archs i386 x86_64 ppc if {$build_arch == "i386" || $build_arch == "x86_64"} { default_variants +universal } # kext destination: kext will be installed into ${kextdir}/fuse4x.kext. # # The kext is autoloaded by the library using load_fuse4x, so it # doesn't have to go into /System/Library/Extensions. It doesn't # matter where we put it, as long as it's kept in sync with the library. # # If updating the patchfile or ${kextdir}, must also update the # corresponding patch in the fuse4x port! patchfiles patch-common_fuse_param.h.diff set kextdir "${prefix}/Library/Extensions" post-patch { reinplace "s|@@KEXTPATH@@|${kextdir}/fuse4x.kext|" ${worksrcpath}/common/fuse_param.h } xcode.configuration Release # Disable MacFUSE compatibility mode; not needed for the filesystems we build. xcode.build.settings GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='FUSE4X_DISABLE_MACFUSE_MODE' destroot.asroot yes destroot { xinstall -d ${destroot}${kextdir} file copy ${worksrcpath}/build/${xcode.configuration}/fuse4x.kext ${destroot}${kextdir} file attributes ${destroot}${kextdir}/fuse4x.kext -owner root -group wheel -permissions rwxr-xr-x xinstall -d ${destroot}${kextdir}/fuse4x.kext/Support xinstall -o root -m 4755 ${worksrcpath}/build/${xcode.configuration}/load_fuse4x ${destroot}${kextdir}/fuse4x.kext/Support } variant trace description {Enable debug logging: logs all filesystem operations} { # Note that this overrides the normal GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS xcode.build.settings GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='FUSE4X_DISABLE_MACFUSE_MODE FUSE4X_DEBUG FUSE4X_TRACE FUSE4X_TRACE_LK FUSE4X_TRACE_MSLEEP FUSE4X_TRACE_OP FUSE4X_TRACE_VNCACHE FUSE4X_SERIALIZE_LOGGING' } # We don't need to load the kext, because the fuse4x library will # autoload it when needed. However, if there's an existing version # loaded, we'd better unload it because it might be a different # version. # # Thus, check whether the kext is already loaded, and if so attempt to # unload it. If that fails, the user probably needs to unmount some # running filesystems; print a list. # # We do this both after deactivating an existing version (because the # user might be removing the port) and after activating a new version # (because the user might be upgrading from an installation that # didn't unload the kext). proc try_unload_kext {} { set kextid "org.fuse4x.kext.fuse4x" if {[string length [exec /usr/sbin/kextstat -lb $kextid]] > 0} { ui_msg "The Fuse4X kernel extension is already loaded. Attempting to unload it." if {![catch {exec /sbin/kextunload -b $kextid}]} { ui_msg "Successfully unloaded the previous installation of Fuse4X" } else { set mounted [exec /sbin/mount -t fuse4x] ui_warn "Unable to unload the existing Fuse4X kernel extension." ui_warn "Please unmount the following filesystems, and then run " ui_warn "`sudo kextunload -b $kextid`:" foreach line [split $mounted "\n"] { regexp {on (/.*) \(fuse4x} $line -> mountpoint ui_warn " * $mountpoint" } } } } post-activate { try_unload_kext } post-deactivate { try_unload_kext } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage} livecheck.regex {Fuse4X-([0-9.]+).dmg}