# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name fuse4x version 0.9.0 revision 1 set tag [string map {. _ } $version] categories fuse devel platforms macosx maintainers dports description A FUSE-Compliant File System Implementation Mechanism \ for Mac OS X long_description Fuse4X implements a mechanism that makes it \ possible to implement a fully functional file \ system in a user-space program on Mac OS X. It \ aims to be API-compliant with the FUSE \ (File-system in USErspace) mechanism that \ originated on Linux. Therefore, many existing \ FUSE file systems become readily usable on Mac OS \ X. This port provides the user-space library and \ header files for building filesystems. homepage http://fuse4x.org/ license LGPL master_sites https://github.com/fuse4x/fuse/tarball/fuse4x_${tag} checksums sha256 fde8676cf5d30e167d18860d24843fcf03f64202dd648f0b833f02c12f726964 \ rmd160 c9cd0ceec85e4a4a3d27d302be7147a6e29c9b2a extract.mkdir yes extract.post_args "| tar --strip-components=1 -xf -" patchfiles patch-include_fuse_param.h.diff # kext destination: kext will be installed into ${kextdir}/fuse4x.kext. # # The kext is autoloaded by the library using load_fuse4x, so it # doesn't have to go into /System/Library/Extensions. It doesn't # matter where we put it, as long as it's kept in sync with the library. # # If updating the patchfile or ${kextdir}, must also update the # corresponding patch in the fuse4x-kext port! set kextdir "${prefix}/Library/Extensions" post-patch { reinplace "s|@@KEXTPATH@@|${kextdir}/fuse4x.kext|" ${worksrcpath}/include/fuse_param.h # Fuse4X normally installs its library as libfuse4x.dylib to allow # it to co-exist with MacFUSE, but the ports are conflicting so we # don't need to worry about that. Instead, we'll install it as # libfuse.dylib so dependent ports don't need to be modified. reinplace "s|-lfuse4x|-lfuse|" ${worksrcpath}/fuse.pc.in reinplace "s|libfuse4x|libfuse|g" ${worksrcpath}/lib/Makefile.am reinplace "s|libfuse4x.la|libfuse.la|" ${worksrcpath}/example/Makefile.am } configure.cflags-append -D_DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE configure.ldflags -framework CoreFoundation use_autoreconf yes autoreconf.args -fi depends_build port:pkgconfig port:autoconf port:automake port:libtool depends_run port:fuse4x-kext livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage} livecheck.regex {Fuse4X-([0-9.]+).dmg}