# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name fife version 0.3.1 maintainers tommyd openmaintainer categories games python platforms darwin homepage http://www.fifengine.de/ description The FIFE game engine long_description FIFE stands for Flexible Isometric Free Engine and \ is a cross platform game creation framework. master_sites sourceforge checksums md5 c67561b85e9cd0c7cc25306460e3176c \ sha1 79a1cf404be10c4b6ecd6b7334a3d76514612aa8 \ rmd160 a963e9063e3b6ef29a76d3566ff45df19c97f20b depends_build port:scons depends_lib port:python26 \ port:libsdl \ port:libsdl_image \ port:libsdl_ttf \ port:boost \ port:libogg \ port:libvorbis \ port:libguichan \ port:swig-python use_configure no use_parallel_build no pre-build { if { ![string equal [string trim [ exec ${prefix}/bin/python_select -s] ] "python26" ] } { ui_error "#################################################" ui_error "Python 2.6 is currently not selected as default, " ui_error "so fife's binary module will probably not load " ui_error "correctly into this version of Python. " ui_error "Please execute " ui_error " sudo ${prefix}/bin/python_select python26 " ui_error "and try again. " ui_error "#################################################" return -code error "wrong python version selected" } } build.cmd scons build.target fife build.args --prefix=${prefix} \ --python-prefix=${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ build.env CC=${configure.cc} CXX=${configure.cxx} \ CPP=${configure.cpp} SWIG=${prefix}/bin/swig destroot.cmd scons destroot.target install-all destroot.args --prefix=${prefix} \ --python-prefix=${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ destroot.env DESTDIR=${destroot}