# $Id$

PortSystem              1.0
PortGroup               app 1.0

name                    lbreakout2
version                 2.6.3
set branch              [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
categories              games
platforms               darwin
maintainers             nomaintainer
license                 GPL-2+

description             Breakout clone, that won the No Starch Press SDL Game Contest.
long_description        The successor to LBreakout offers you a new challenge \
                        in more than 50 levels with loads of new bonuses \
                        (goldshower, joker, explosive balls, bonus magnet \
                        ...), maluses (chaos, darkness, weak balls, malus \
                        magnet ...) and special bricks (growing bricks, \
                        explosive bricks, regenerative bricks ...). If you \
                        are still hungry for more after that you can create \
                        your own levelsets with the integrated level editor. \
                        This game won the No Starch Press SDL Game Contest.

homepage                http://lgames.sourceforge.net/index.php?project=LBreakout2
master_sites            sourceforge:project/lgames/lbreakout2/${branch}

checksums               rmd160  24b4717b642c5e544c1917dc86de61f2fcfde392 \
                        sha256  85a1364510535d8e066b9a25466c667c3da32463e03daf4c998f117afbddef0e

depends_lib             path:lib/pkgconfig/sdl.pc:libsdl \
                        port:libsdl_mixer \
                        port:libpng \
                        port:libsdl_net \

patchfiles              patch-client_Makefile.in.diff \
                        patch-gui-stk.c.diff \

configure.args          --enable-warp \
                        --disable-sdltest \
                        --enable-sdl-net \

destroot.destdir        DESTDIR=${destroot} doc_dir=${prefix}/share/doc

app.name                LBreakout2
app.icon                lbreakout48.gif