# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0
name                    jgoodies-forms
version                 1.4.1
categories              java
platforms               darwin
maintainers             blair

description             Framework to lay out and implement Swing panels.
long_description        The JGoodies Forms framework helps you lay out and \
                        implement elegant Swing panels quickly and \
                        consistently.  It makes simple things easy and the \
                        hard stuff possible, the good design easy and the \
                        bad difficult.
homepage                http://www.jgoodies.com/freeware/forms/

master_sites            http://www.jgoodies.com/download/libraries/forms/
distname                ${name}-1_4_1
checksums               md5 33993aed149bc4be7dda74cbaa8653a5 \
                        sha1 bb7fa3e6f6cd0ea6a3f790b97afad4dc290ca45e \
                        rmd160 86cc74b0945560b7f35e8e197036b85fe41e7a6b
use_zip                 yes

depends_lib             bin:java:kaffe \

use_configure           no

worksrcdir              ${name}-${version}

build.cmd               true

destroot {
        set javadir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/java
        set docdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}

        xinstall -d -m 755 ${javadir}
        xinstall -d -m 755 ${docdir}

        file copy ${worksrcpath}/${name}-${version}.jar ${javadir}/${name}.jar
        foreach f {LICENSE.txt README.html RELEASE-NOTES.txt docs} {
                file copy ${worksrcpath}/${f} ${docdir}/