# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# GPL-licensed icons used by the .app created from this script are
# courtesy of KMyMoney's developers and taken from KMyMoney's sources.
# (See ../Portfile for details.)
# Authors:
# - Brad Giesbrecht
# - Marko K"aning
set userID to do shell script "stat -f '%Su' $HOME"
end try
set executable to "__PREFIX__/bin/kmymoney" as string
set kmymoney to (POSIX file executable)
get alias kmymoney
on error
display alert "There was an error locating KMyMoney's executable." & return & return & "Try 'port installed kmymoney' to verify that port 'kmymoney' is installed." & return & return & "The file we tried to find was:" & return & return & "'" & executable & "'" as warning
end try
set command to ""
set kdedirID to ""
set qtdirID to ""
set ICEauthorityID to ""
set XauthorityID to ""
set kdeDir to (POSIX path of (path to home folder) & ".kde/" as string)
set qtDir to (POSIX path of (path to home folder) & ".qt/" as string)
set ICEauthority to (POSIX path of (path to home folder) & ".ICEauthority" as string)
set Xauthority to (POSIX path of (path to home folder) & ".Xauthority" as string)
set kdeDirMessage to ""
set qtDirMessage to ""
set ICEauthorityMessage to ""
set XauthorityMessage to ""
POSIX file kdeDir as alias
set kdedirID to do shell script "stat -f '%Su' $HOME/.kde"
end try
POSIX file qtDir as alias
set qtdirID to do shell script "stat -f '%Su' $HOME/.qt"
end try
POSIX file ICEauthority as alias
set ICEauthorityID to do shell script "stat -f '%Su' $HOME/.ICEauthority"
end try
POSIX file Xauthority as alias
set XauthorityID to do shell script "stat -f '%Su' $HOME/.Xauthority"
end try
if ((not kdedirID is equal to "") and not kdedirID = userID) or ((not qtdirID is equal to "") and not qtdirID = userID) or ((not ICEauthorityID is equal to "") and not ICEauthorityID = userID) or ((not XauthorityID is equal to "") and not XauthorityID = userID) then
if (not kdedirID is equal to "") then set kdeDirMessage to (kdeDir & return & " is owned by " & kdedirID & return & return)
if (not qtdirID is equal to "") then set qtDirMessage to (qtDir & return & " is owned by " & qtdirID & return & return)
if (not ICEauthorityID is equal to "") then set ICEauthorityMessage to (ICEauthority & return & " is owned by " & ICEauthorityID & return & return)
if (not XauthorityID is equal to "") then set XauthorityMessage to (Xauthority & return & " is owned by " & XauthorityID & return & return)
set fixPermissions to button returned of (display dialog (kdeDirMessage & qtDirMessage & ICEauthorityMessage & XauthorityMessage & "They should be owned by " & userID & " for KMyMoney to run properly!") buttons {"Cancel", "Fix"} default button {"Fix"} with icon 2)
if fixPermissions = "Fix" then
if (not kdedirID is equal to "") then do shell script "chown -R " & userID & " " & kdeDir with administrator privileges
if (not qtdirID is equal to "") then do shell script "chown -R " & userID & " " & qtDir with administrator privileges
if (not ICEauthorityID is equal to "") then do shell script "chown " & userID & " " & ICEauthority with administrator privileges
if (not XauthorityID is equal to "") then do shell script "chown " & userID & " " & Xauthority with administrator privileges
end if
end if
set command to "sh -l -c " & (POSIX path of kmymoney) & " > /dev/null 2>&1"
do shell script command
on error
display alert "There was an error launching KMyMoney." & return & return & "Try 'port installed kmymoney' to verify that port 'kmymoney' is installed." & return & return & "The command we tried to execute was:" & return & return & "'" & command & "'" as warning
end try