# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup select 1.0 set llvm_version 3.2 name llvm-${llvm_version} set suffix mp-${llvm_version} set sub_prefix ${prefix}/libexec/${name} dist_subdir llvm categories lang platforms darwin license UIUC maintainers jeremyhu openmaintainer description llvm is a next generation compiler infrastructure (svn trunk version) long_description The LLVM Core libraries provide a modern source- and \ target-independent optimizer, along with code \ generation support for many popular CPUs (as well as \ some less common ones!) These libraries are built \ around a well specified code representation known as \ the LLVM intermediate representation ("LLVM IR"). homepage http://llvm.org/ depends_lib port:libffi depends_run bin:perl:perl5 port:llvm_select fetch.type svn svn.revision 155781 version ${llvm_version}-r${svn.revision} worksrcdir trunk svn.url http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk #worksrcdir release_32 #svn.url http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/branches/release_32 default_variants-append +assertions #version ${llvm_version} #epoch 1 #master_sites ${homepage}releases/${version}/ #extract.suffix .tgz #distfiles llvm-${version}${extract.suffix} #worksrcdir llvm-${version}.src patchfiles tiger.patch \ tiger-shlib.patch patch.pre_args -p1 build.env-append VERBOSE=1 REQUIRE_RTTI=1 destroot.env-append VERBOSE=1 REQUIRE_RTTI=1 configure.cppflags configure.ldflags configure.pre_args-delete --prefix=${prefix} configure.args --enable-bindings=none --enable-libffi --enable-shared --enable-jit \ --enable-optimized --disable-profiling \ --enable-debug-symbols --disable-debug-runtime \ --prefix="${sub_prefix}" select.group llvm select.file ${filespath}/mp-${name} # g++-4.0 fails to build some of the newer C++ for ppc # Intel looks ok, but I prefer using gcc-4.2 for consistency if {${configure.compiler} == "gcc-4.0"} { configure.compiler gcc-4.2 if {![file exists ${configure.cc}]} { depends_build-append port:apple-gcc42 port:ld64 port:cctools depends_skip_archcheck-append apple-gcc42 ld64 cctools configure.compiler apple-gcc-4.2 } } variant universal { build.env-append \ UNIVERSAL=1 \ UNIVERSAL_ARCH="[get_canonical_archs]" destroot.env-append \ UNIVERSAL=1 \ UNIVERSAL_ARCH="[get_canonical_archs]" post-extract { # workaround a bug in Apple's shipped gcc driver-driver, patched in # ours with driverdriver-num_infiles.patch if {${configure.compiler} == "gcc-4.0" || ${configure.compiler} == "gcc-4.2"} { system "echo \"static int ___ignoreme;\" > ${worksrcpath}/tools/llvm-shlib/ignore.c" } } } variant assertions description "Enable assertions for error detection (has performance impacts, especially on JIT)" { configure.args-append --enable-assertions } platform darwin { if {${build_arch} == "i386" } { configure.pre_args-append --build=i686-apple-darwin${os.major} } elseif {${build_arch} == "ppc" } { configure.pre_args-append --build=powerpc-apple-darwin${os.major} } elseif {${build_arch} == "ppc64" } { configure.pre_args-append --build=powerpc64-apple-darwin${os.major} } else { configure.pre_args-append --build=${build_arch}-apple-darwin${os.major} } if {[string match "*ppc*" [get_canonical_archs]]} { # http://trac.macports.org/ticket/33987 configure.args-append --with-optimize-option=-Os } post-destroot { foreach liba [glob ${destroot}${sub_prefix}/lib/*dylib] { set liba_nodr [string map "${destroot} {}" ${liba}] system "install_name_tool -id ${liba_nodr} ${liba}" foreach libb [glob ${destroot}${sub_prefix}/lib/*dylib] { set libb_base [string map "${destroot}${sub_prefix}/lib/ {}" ${libb}] set libb_nodr [string map "${destroot} {}" ${libb}] system "install_name_tool -change @executable_path/../lib/${libb_base} ${libb_nodr} ${liba}" } } } } platform darwin 8 { post-configure { reinplace "/^RPATH/s/=.*/=/" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.config } } variant ocaml description {Enable generation of OCaml binding} { depends_lib-append port:ocaml configure.args-delete --enable-bindings=none configure.args-append --enable-bindings=ocaml destroot.args-append OVERRIDE_libdir=${sub_prefix}/lib } post-destroot { file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc file rename ${destroot}${sub_prefix}/docs/llvm ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} foreach man [glob ${destroot}${sub_prefix}/share/man/man1/*.1] { set basename [string map "${destroot}${sub_prefix}/share/man/man1/ {}" ${man}] file rename ${man} ${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/[string map ".1 -${suffix}.1" ${basename}] } foreach bin [glob ${destroot}${sub_prefix}/bin/*] { set bin_filename [string map "${sub_prefix} ${prefix}" ${bin}]-${suffix} set exec_path [string map "${destroot}${sub_prefix} ${sub_prefix}" ${bin}] xinstall -m 755 "${filespath}/llvm-bin" "${bin_filename}" reinplace "s:EXEC_PATH:${exec_path}:" "${bin_filename}" } }