# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name ethereal version 0.99.0 revision 3 categories net maintainers darkart.com:opendarwin.org description (NB: wireshark is the maintained version) Graphical network analyzer and capture tool homepage http://ethereal.com/ platforms darwin long_description (NB: wireshark is the new name for ethereal, and is being maintained) \ A network analyzer that lets you capture and \ interactively browse Ethernet frames. \ Packet data can be read from a file, or live from a local \ network interface. master_sites http://www.ethereal.com/distribution/ \ ftp://ftp.ethereal.com/pub/ethereal/all-versions/ \ ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/ethereal/all-versions/ \ ftp://ftp.mirrors.wiretapped.net/pub/security/packet-capture/ethereal/all-versions/ \ ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/infosys/security/ethereal/all-versions/ \ ftp://ftp.sunet.se/pub/network/monitoring/ethereal/all-versions/ \ ftp://ftp.ayamura.org/pub/ethereal/all-versions/ \ ftp://ftp.azc.uam.mx/mirrors/ethereal/all-versions/ checksums md5 f9905b9d347acdc05af664a7553f7f76 \ sha1 466299ac49f21904ed91b93e81667f226637e868 \ rmd160 f86e21ae60d53e1ed60b61e58c2941ecfd4d8696 use_bzip2 yes depends_lib path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \ port:gtk2 \ port:openssl \ port:libpcap \ port:zlib patchfiles patch-epan-filesystem.c configure.args --enable-gtk2 \ --with-net-snmp=no --with-ucd-snmp=no \ --disable-usr-local \ --without-adns \ --without-pcre \ --enable-ipv6 \ --with-pcap=${prefix} \ --with-ssl=${prefix} \ --with-zlib=${prefix} \ --mandir=\\\${prefix}/share/man \ --infodir=\\\${prefix}/share/info configure.ldflags-append "-Wl,-search_paths_first" pre-fetch { ui_msg "\nWireshark (net/wireshark) is the new version of ethereal, you probably want to move to that\n\nIf you must use ethereal, edit the Portfile and comment out the 'pre-fetch {}' lines\n" return -code error "\n\n${name} is superseded by wireshark (net/wireshark), use that port instead\n" } variant adns { configure.args-append --with-adns=${prefix} configure.args-delete --without-adns depends_lib-append port:adns } variant net_snmp { configure.args-append --with-net-snmp=${prefix}/bin/net-snmp-config configure.args-delete --with-net-snmp=no depends_lib-append port:net-snmp } variant pcre { configure.args-append --with-pcre=${prefix} configure.args-delete --without-pcre depends_lib-append lib:libpcre:pcre } variant no_ssl { configure.args-append --without-ssl depends_lib-delete port:openssl } variant no_x11 { depends_lib-delete port:gtk2 configure.args-delete --disable-gtk2 configure.args-append --disable-ethereal } # ##EOF