# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0

name			pilrc
version			3.1
revision		1
categories		palm devel
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		Palm OS resource compiler
long_description	This is a tool that turns a textual description of \
					Palm OS forms, bitmaps, fonts, and other resources \
					into a binary form that can be included in an \
					application or library. The name is derived from \
					\"PILot Resource Compiler\". This tool is used with \
					many popular Palm OS development tools, including \
					prc-tools and CodeWarrior for Palm OS.
homepage		http://pilrc.sourceforge.net/
master_sites	sourceforge
checksums		md5 bbfea963c4e34252f634c6a39a2578b8
platforms		darwin

configure.cmd	unix/configure
configure.args	--disable-pilrcui

variant gtk	{
	depends_lib		lib:libgtk.1:gtk1

	configure.args-delete	--disable-pilrcui
	configure.args-append	--enable-pilrcui \
							--enable-gtktest \

post-destroot {
	set docPath ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc
	xinstall -d -m 0755 ${docPath}
	system "cp -R ${worksrcpath}/doc ${docPath}/${name}"
	system "cp -R ${worksrcpath}/example ${docPath}/${name}/"