# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name arb epoch 1 version 5.3 revision 4 categories science maintainers me.com:matt.cottrell platforms darwin description ARB graphical DNA, RNA and amino acid sequence analysis tool homepage http://www.arb-home.de/ long_description ARB is an application for genetic sequence analysis that includes tools for editing and aligning \ nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Features include routines for designing fluorescence in situ \ hybridization (FISH) probes and PCR and sequencing primers. Phylogenetic trees can be generated and \ sequences can be added to existing trees. ARB maintains links between the phylogenetic trees and sequences \ for database search and query. The Silva Comprehensive Ribosomal RNA Database (http://www.arb-silva.de/) \ maintains up-to-date databases. An active community of scientists exchanges tips on the ARB Yahoo! discussion group \ (http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/arb_users/). Citation: Wolfgang Ludwig, et al. (2004) ARB: a software environment \ for sequence data. Nucleic Acids Research. 32:1363-1371. master_sites http://download.arb-home.de/release/arb_${version}/ distname arbsrc extract.suffix .tgz dist_subdir ${name}/${version} worksrcdir arbsrc_8210 checksums sha1 535b72bfbf99f498deee17824c1f167228ad2088 \ rmd160 d4b240da693f903d0e8bd59f4b1f1043b6935508 depends_build port:imake \ port:makedepend depends_lib port:openmotif \ port:lynx \ port:gsed \ port:sablotron \ port:glw \ port:glew \ port:xfig \ port:gv \ port:xorg-libXaw patchfiles patch-ARB-config.makefile.diff \ patch-ARB-makefile.diff \ patch-ARB-RNA3D_GlobalHeader.hxx.diff \ patch-ARB-DARWIN.pl.diff \ patch-ARB-intro.fig.diff \ patch-GDEHELP-Makefile.diff configure { reinplace "s| sed | gsed |g" ${worksrcpath}/GDEHELP/MENUS/align.menu \ ${worksrcpath}/util/arb_check_build_env.pl \ ${worksrcpath}/arb_install.sh \ ${worksrcpath}/WINDOW/AW_status.cxx \ ${worksrcpath}/SH/example_batch_probe_match.sh \ ${worksrcpath}/GDEHELP/GDEmenus \ ${worksrcpath}/GDEHELP/genhelp.sh \ ${worksrcpath}/GDEHELP/genhelptree.sh \ ${worksrcpath}/SOURCE_TOOLS/make_java_dependencies.sh \ ${worksrcpath}/HELP_SOURCE/Makefile \ ${worksrcpath}/AISC_COM/AISC/Makefile \ ${worksrcpath}/GDEHELP/Makefile \ ${worksrcpath}/HELP_SOURCE/genhelp/Makefile \ ${worksrcpath}/GDEHELP/Makefile.helpfiles file copy ${worksrcpath}/config.makefile.template ${worksrcpath}/config.makefile file copy ${filespath}/arb_macsetup ${worksrcpath}/bin reinplace "s|@@LIBPERLDIR@@|[exec ${prefix}/bin/perl -e "use Config; print \$Config{archlib};"]/CORE|g" ${worksrcpath}/PERL2ARB/DARWIN.PL reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/bin/arb_macsetup if {${build_arch} == "ppc" || ${build_arch} == "i386"} { set is64bit 0 } else { set is64bit 1 } reinplace "s|@@64BIT@@|${is64bit}|g" ${worksrcpath}/config.makefile } build.env-append PREFIX=${prefix} \ ARBHOME=${worksrcpath} \ PATH=${worksrcpath}/bin:$env(PATH) # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/33756 if {${configure.compiler} == "clang"} { configure.compiler llvm-gcc-4.2 } build.args GCC=${configure.cc} \ GPP=${configure.cxx} destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/share/arb/lib/pts destroot { # Give the default settings a recognizable name ending in .default file rename ${worksrcpath}/lib/arb_tcp.dat ${worksrcpath}/lib/arb_tcp.dat.default file rename ${worksrcpath}/lib/macros ${worksrcpath}/lib/macros.default eval xinstall -m 0755 [glob ${worksrcpath}/bin/*] ${destroot}${prefix}/bin file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/arb/bin file copy ${worksrcpath}/lib ${destroot}${prefix}/share/arb/lib file copy ${worksrcpath}/GDEHELP ${destroot}${prefix}/share/arb/GDEHELP file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/help file copy ${worksrcpath}/HELP_SOURCE/oldhelp ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/help file copy ${worksrcpath}/PERL_SCRIPTS ${destroot}${prefix}/share/arb/PERL_SCRIPTS file copy ${worksrcpath}/SH ${destroot}${prefix}/share/arb/SH file copy ${worksrcpath}/demo.arb ${destroot}${prefix}/share/arb ln -s ${prefix}/bin/arb_pt_server ${destroot}${prefix}/share/arb/bin/arb_pt_server ln -s ${prefix}/bin/arb_name_server ${destroot}${prefix}/share/arb/bin/arb_name_server xinstall -m 777 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/arb/lib/pts } # to be investigated later universal_variant no post-activate { # Provide users with copies of the default configuration and macros # if the user doesn't already have them. if {![file exists ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/arb_tcp.dat]} { xinstall -m 777 ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/arb_tcp.dat.default \ ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/arb_tcp.dat } if {![file exists ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/macros]} { file copy ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/macros.default \ ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/macros fs-traverse item ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/macros { file attributes ${item} -permissions a+w } } } notes " **************************************************************** Before running ARB you must set ARBHOME and add ARB to your PATH **************************************************************** You have two options (A is easier, B is more difficult): A) Easy - open a new terminal window and type arb_macsetup to set the necessary environment variables automatically. This script also enables keyboard shortcuts used in the sequence editor. or B) More difficult - follow the steps below: 1) bash users add the following lines to your ~/.profile or to your ~/.bashrc ARBHOME=${prefix}/share/arb;export ARBHOME PATH=${prefix}/share/arb/bin:\$PATH export PATH enter the following command: . ~/.profile 2) tcsh users add the following lines to your ~/.cshrc setenv ARBHOME ${prefix}/share/arb setenv PATH ${prefix}/share/arb\:\$PATH enter the following command: source ~/.cshrc 3) create a text file in your home folder called .xmodmap that contains the text below: clear Mod1 clear Mod2 keycode 63 = Mode_switch keycode 66 = Meta_L keycode 69 = Meta_R add Mod1 = Meta_L Meta_R add Mod2 = Mode_switch C) to set up ARB for another user on this computer log into their account and type ${prefix}/bin/arb_macsetup D) type arb to start ARB *********************************************************** A demo data base is located at ${prefix}/share/arb/demo.arb User generated macros, arb_tcp.dat and pt_servers have been preserved, but you should keep backups of these just in case. They are located at: ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/macros/ ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/arb_tcp.dat ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/pts/ Default settings are maintained at: ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/macros.default/ ${prefix}/share/arb/lib/arb_tcp.dat.default Use keys Control+Command Arrow Key to jump over bases Use Keys Option Arrow Key to pull in bases across alignment gaps Use the right Command Key plus a letter key to activate a menu item These notes can be viewed at any time by typing 'port notes arb' Please cite: Wolfgang Ludwig, et al. (2004) ARB: a software environment for sequence data. Nucleic Acids Research. 32:1363-1371 " livecheck.type regex livecheck.url http://download.arb-home.de/release/ livecheck.regex ${name}_(\[0-9.\]+)/