# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name iAIDA version 1.0.17 revision 1 categories science maintainers pd.infn.it:cristiano.fontana license LGPL-3 description An implementation in C++ of the AIDA Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis long_description iAIDA is an implementation in C++ of the AIDA Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis, a set of interfaces designed for data analysis. homepage http://iaida.dynalias.net/ platforms darwin extract.suffix .tgz master_sites sourceforge:iaida checksums md5 a352ea32ad61678cda6c94e299f94ca3 depends_lib port:aida \ port:grace \ port:boost \ port:root \ port:openssl \ port:expat \ port:zlib universal_variant no patchfiles patch-configure.diff post-patch { foreach d {"" /examples /include /src /tests} { reinplace "s:@PREFIX_DIR@:${destroot}${prefix}:g" ${worksrcpath}${d}/Makefile.in } } configure.args --with-grace=${prefix} \ --with-boost=${prefix} \ --with-aida=${prefix}/include build.args CXX=${configure.cxx} post-build { system "cd ${worksrcpath}/examples && make ${build.args}" system "cd ${worksrcpath}/tests && make ${build.args}" foreach f {examples/Makefile examples/Makefile.in tests/Makefile tests/Makefile.in tests/runTests.py tests/runTests.py.in} { reinplace "s:../bin/aida-config:aida-config:g" ${worksrcpath}/${f} } foreach f {tests/runTests.py tests/runTests.py.in} { reinplace "s:logFile = entry+'.log':logFile = '/tmp/'+entry+'.log':g" ${worksrcpath}/${f} } } post-destroot { xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name} file copy ${worksrcpath}/examples ${worksrcpath}/tests ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name} file copy ${worksrcpath}/src ${destroot}${prefix}/src/${name} }