# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.0 name ompl version 0.10.2 revision 1 categories science maintainers mmoll description The Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL) long_description The Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL) consists of a set \ of sampling-based motion planning algorithms. homepage http://ompl.kavrakilab.org platforms darwin license BSD master_sites sourceforge checksums md5 2e7ad9780070b93916f1e695696fd185 \ sha1 d6c47ca624f6133c48d8bee12ca52e0bc5644a68 \ rmd160 ba8b4e3b799389b4182e8fea433cd284d41e3067 distname ${name}-${version}-Source depends_lib-append port:boost port:ode # no universal of gccxml-devel universal_variant no configure.args-append -DOMPL_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DOMPL_BUILD_DEMOS=OFF # generate the extra C++ code needed for Python bindings. This code seems # somewhat dependent on compiler and/or boost version, so we can't # pre-generate them and make them available as an extra download. post-configure { system "cd ${worksrcpath}; ${build.cmd} update_bindings" } # The +app variant includes all the content of the regular OMPL version, but # adds a simple GUI and an extra library with bindings to the assimp and pqp # libraries. The cascade of dependencies due to pyqt4 is rather large, so by # default the +app variant is not enabled. Also, the additions to OMPL in # this variant are distributed under a slightly different license than the # regular OMPL version. variant app description {Include GUI and extra demo code} { distname omplapp-${version}-Source license noncommercial pre-extract { ui_warn "The +app variant causes some extra code to be compiled that is distributed under the Rice University Software Distribution License. For details, please read: http://ompl.kavrakilab.org/license.html#ricelicense" } depends_lib-append port:assimp port:pqp port:flann port:libccd checksums md5 c77368367ccc2526a1efe2ea220be507 \ sha1 c06bf9b39ff0103cbc3484166f8e65ab70f7cfa3 \ rmd160 3a8c484970301c8cfba96baccb9e01118314ca4f } variant python26 description {Use python2.6 for python bindings} conflicts python27 { depends_build-append port:py26-pyplusplus-devel depends_lib-append port:python26 configure.args-append -DPYTHON_EXEC=${prefix}/bin/python2.6 if { [variant_isset app] } { depends_lib-append port:py26-pyqt4 port:py26-opengl post-destroot { reinplace "s|#!/usr/bin/env python|#!${prefix}/bin/python2.6|g" \ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ompl_app # not needed and causes problems with rpaths delete \ ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ompl/util/libompl.dylib \ ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ompl/app/libompl_app.dylib } } else { post-destroot { # not needed and causes problems with rpaths delete \ ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ompl/util/libompl.dylib } } } variant python27 description {Use python2.7 for python bindings} conflicts python26 { depends_build-append port:py27-pyplusplus-devel depends_lib-append port:python27 configure.args-append -DPYTHON_EXEC=${prefix}/bin/python2.7 if { [variant_isset app] } { depends_lib-append port:py27-pyqt4 port:py27-opengl post-destroot { reinplace "s|#!/usr/bin/env python|#!${prefix}/bin/python2.7|g" \ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ompl_app # not needed and causes problems with rpaths delete \ ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ompl/util/libompl.dylib \ ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ompl/app/libompl_app.dylib } } else { post-destroot { # not needed and causes problems with rpaths delete \ ${destroot}${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ompl/util/libompl.dylib } } } # enable one python variant so that the python bindings can be compiled if { ![variant_isset python26] && ![variant_isset python27] } { default_variants +python27 } # the python bindings rely on Boost.Python, so make sure it is installed. pre-fetch { if {![file exists ${prefix}/lib/libboost_python-mt.dylib]} { return -code error "Please reinstall boost with the +python26 or +python27 variant enabled." } } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url http://ompl.kavrakilab.org/download.html livecheck.regex (\[0-9.\]+), released