# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name grok version 20090928 categories sysutils maintainers geekdaily.org:jim openmaintainer platforms darwin description Easily parse logs and other files. long_description Grok is simple software that allows you to easily parse logs \ and other files. You teach grok how to parse data through the \ config file. Grok is a system for reacting to events - those events \ being log entries. homepage http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/grok/ master_sites http://semicomplete.googlecode.com/files/ checksums md5 629465d284de11c37a644cab970be432 \ sha1 bfc8db7be17f1bb52f2b930dfe284a0db8595b35 \ rmd160 8b9f6f27e85700f7f227bd3a6f5b9925de82e8e9 patchfiles patch-Makefile.diff post-patch { reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile } depends_build port:bison \ port:flex \ port:gperf \ port:gmake depends_run port:libevent \ port:pcre \ port:db46 use_configure no build.type gnu build.args CFLAGS="`pcre-config --cflags` -I${prefix}/include/db46" LDFLAGS="`pcre-config --libs` -L${prefix}/lib/db46 -levent -ldb -rdynamic" test.run yes destroot.args PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix} INSTALL_USER=${install.user} INSTALL_GROUP=${install.group} ### TODO: pre-build testing for these dependencies # Build dependencies: # bison >= 2.3 # flex >= 2.5.35 # gperf >= 3.0 # GNU make >= 3.81 # # Run dependencies: # libevent >= 1.3 (older versions may work) # libpcre >= 7.6 # Berkeley DB >= 4.5 # # Test suite dependencies: # CUnit >= 2.1