# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name rpm45 version 4.5 revision 1 platforms darwin freebsd linux categories sysutils archivers maintainers mac.com:n3npq description The RPM package management system. long_description The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a powerful command line driven \ package management system capable of installing, uninstalling, \ verifying, querying, and updating software packages. Each software \ package consists of an archive of files along with information about \ the package like its version, a description, etc. homepage http://rpm5.org master_sites ${homepage}/files/rpm/rpm-4.5 distname rpm-${version}-0.4 checksums md5 9f9d2e64b93d64b8cc2c10e116e9ecd9 worksrcdir rpm-${version} # ### CVS source #fetch.type cvs #cvs.root :pserver:anonymous@rpm5.org:/cvs #cvs.module rpm #cvs.tag rpm-4_5 #worksrcdir rpm depends_build port:expat port:neon \ port:python25 port:perl5.8 \ port:readline port:beecrypt \ port:libiconv port:gettext depends_lib lib:libhistory.5:readline port:gettext \ port:popt port:sqlite3 depends_run port:openssl \ bin:gzip:gzip \ bin:bzip2:bzip2 \ bin:unzip:unzip extract.suffix .src.rpm extract.cmd ${filespath}/rpm2cpio.pl extract.pre_args extract.post_args | cpio -dvim rpm-${version}.tar.gz && \ gzip -dc rpm-${version}.tar.gz | tar -xf - build.type gnu configure.args --disable-nls --without-javaglue --without-included-gettext \ --with-libintl-prefix=${prefix} --with-libiconv-prefix=${prefix} \ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man --infodir=${prefix}/share/info \ --with-python=2.5 --with-perl --without-apidocs \ --sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc/rpm configure.env __PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5 __PERL=${prefix}/bin/perl5.8 # needed because it checks for sqlite3_open in sqlite lib... configure.env-append ac_cv_lib_sqlite_sqlite3_open=yes ### CVS config #post-fetch { system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ./devtool checkout" } #post-patch { reinplace "s@po/Makefile.in@@" ${worksrcpath}/configure.ac #reinplace "s@\"-lsqlite\"@\"-lsqlite3\"@" ${worksrcpath}/configure.ac } #pre-configure { system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ./devtool autogen" } patchfiles patch-macros.in \ patch-configure \ patch-Makefile.PL \ patch-darwin.prov \ patch-fts.c \ patch-rpmio.h \ patch-rpmsq.c \ patch-rpmevr.h ### CVS patches #patchfiles patch-macros.in \ # patch-configure.ac \ # patch-darwin.prov \ # patch-fts.c \ # patch-rpmsq.c \ # patch-rpmevr.h post-patch { # use external popt library if {[file exists ${worksrcpath}/popt]} { delete ${worksrcpath}/popt } } post-destroot { xinstall -d -m 755 ${prefix}/etc/rpm delete [glob ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/perl5/*/*/*/auto/RPM/.packlist] delete [glob ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/perl5/*/*/perllocal.pod] # where the RPM database lives destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/rpm\ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/lib/rpm\ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/spool/repackage\ ${destroot}${prefix}/src/rpm/BUILD\ ${destroot}${prefix}/src/rpm/RPMS\ ${destroot}${prefix}/src/rpm/SOURCES\ ${destroot}${prefix}/src/rpm/SPECS\ ${destroot}${prefix}/src/rpm/SRPMS } platform darwin { configure.args-append --disable-optimized --disable-aio \ --with-glob --enable-broken-chown \ --disable-rpath configure.cppflags-append -I${prefix}/include/python2.5 configure.cppflags-append -I${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/include/python2.5 post-destroot { # Mac OS X specific changes reinplace "s;\blibtoolize\b;glibtoolize;" ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/rpm/4.5/macros } } platform freebsd { post-configure { reinplace "s;-lrt;;" ${worksrcpath}/lua/Makefile } post-destroot { # FreeBSD specific changes reinplace "s;/usr/bin/tar;/usr/local/bin/gtar;" ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/rpm/4.5/macros reinplace "s;/usr/bin/make;/usr/local/bin/gmake;" ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/rpm/4.5/macros } } platform linux { patchfiles-append patch-rpmdb-Makefile.am post-destroot { # Linux specific changes } } variant docs { depends_run-append bin:doxygen:doxygen configure.args-delete --without-apidocs configure.args-append --with-apidocs }