<?php $DOCUMENT_ROOT = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; include_once("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/includes/email.inc"); $portname = basename(dirname($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])); ?> <html> <head> <title><?=$portname?> Portfile</title> </head> <body> <?php // Read the file as an array of lines $target = "${DOCUMENT_ROOT}/..${_SERVER['PATH_INFO']}"; $lines = @file($target); if ($lines) { print "<pre>"; foreach ($lines as $line) { $out = $line; // Replace tabs with spaces to maintain proper spacing $tabs = 4; $pos = 0; $out = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($line); ++$i) { $char = $line{$i}; switch ($char) { case "\t": $cnt = $tabs - ($pos % $tabs); $out .= str_repeat(" ", $cnt); $pos += $cnt; break; default: $out .= $char; ++$pos; break; } } // Clean up any html-unfriendly characters $out = htmlspecialchars($out); // Special handling for email addresses if (preg_match('/\s*(maintainers\s+)(.*)/i', $out, $matches)) { $func = $matches[1]; $params = $matches[2]; $addresses = preg_split('/\s+/', $params); foreach ($addresses as $addr) $emails[] = obfuscate_email($addr); $out = $func.(count($emails) ? join(' ', $emails) : '')."\n"; } // Output line print $out; } print "</pre>"; } else print "Couldn't open file $target"; ?> </body> </html>