# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name mysqlxx version 3.0.8 categories databases maintainers genetikayos.com:kayos platforms darwin freebsd description C++ wrapper for MySQL's C API long_description MySQL++ is a C++ wrapper for MySQL's C API. It is \ built around STL principles, to make dealing with \ the database as easy as dealing with an STL container. homepage http://tangentsoft.net/mysql++/ master_sites http://tangentsoft.net/mysql++/releases/ distname mysql++-${version} checksums md5 b977bbf671df08661c15cde051db1513 \ sha1 060d81dcf284732a4dc3f74b305f48ec8d12150f \ rmd160 686fc71773c3d828ed01374ba383e2d58ea5f370 depends_lib port:gettext \ port:zlib variant mysql4 conflicts mysql5 description {Build with MySQL 4 support} { depends_lib-append port:mysql4 configure.args --with-mysql=${prefix} } variant mysql5 conflicts mysql4 description {Build with MySQL 5 support} { depends_lib-append path:bin/mysql_config5:mysql5 configure.args --with-mysql-lib=${prefix}/lib/mysql5/mysql \ --with-mysql-include=${prefix}/include/mysql5/mysql } if {![variant_isset mysql4]} { default_variants +mysql5 } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url [lindex ${master_sites} 0]?C=M&O=D livecheck.regex mysql\\+\\+-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.tar