# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup muniversal 1.0
name gdb
version 7.9.1
categories devel
license GPL-3+
maintainers gmail.com:stuartwesterman openmaintainer
description GDB: The GNU Project Debugger
long_description \
GDB, the GNU Project debugger, allows you to see what is going on 'inside' \
another program while it executes -- or what another program was doing at the \
moment it crashed. GDB can do four main kinds of things (plus other things \
in support of these) to help you catch bugs in the act: \
a) start your program, specifying anything that might affect its behavior, \
b) make your program stop on specified conditions, \
c) examine what has happened, when your program has stopped, \
d) change things in your program, so you can experiment with correcting \
the effects of one bug and go on to learn about another. \
The program being debugged can be written in Ada, C, C++, Objective-C, \
Pascal (and many other languages). Those programs might be executing on \
the same machine as GDB (native) or on another machine (remote). GDB \
can run on most popular UNIX and Microsoft Windows variants.
homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/
platforms darwin
supported_archs x86_64 i386
master_sites gnu
checksums rmd160 0dee316b422399512a8f604d169d217ba84ea2cc \
sha256 4994ad986726ac4128a6f1bd8020cd672e9a92aa76b80736563ef992992764ef
depends_build port:gettext port:zlib
configure.args \
--infodir=${prefix}/share/info \
--mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
--with-docdir=${prefix}/share/doc \
--program-prefix=g \
post-destroot {
system "chgrp procmod ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ggdb*"
system "chmod g+s ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ggdb*"
foreach info [glob -tails -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info g*] {
move ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info/${info} ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info/g${info}
xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/gnubin
foreach binary [glob -tails -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/bin g*] {
ln -s ${prefix}/bin/${binary} ${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/gnubin/[string range $binary 1 end]
# TODO: Remove after 2016-01-04.
variant python25 requires python27 description {Legacy variant} {}
variant python26 requires python27 description {Legacy variant} {}
variant python31 requires python34 description {Legacy variant} {}
variant python32 requires python34 description {Legacy variant} {}
variant python33 requires python34 description {Legacy variant} {}
set pythons_suffixes {27 34}
set pythons_ports {}
foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} {
lappend pythons_ports python${s}
foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} {
set p python${s}
set v [string index ${s} 0].[string index ${s} 1]
set i [lsearch -exact ${pythons_ports} ${p}]
set c [lreplace ${pythons_ports} ${i} ${i}]
eval [subst {
variant ${p} description "Build GDB with Python ${v} Scripting" conflicts ${c} {
depends_lib-append port:${p}
configure.args-append --with-python=${prefix}/bin/python${v}
patchfiles-append patch-python-config.py.diff
if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} >= 12} {
notes "
You will need to make sure /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.taskgated.plist\
has the '-p' option, e.g.
Due to kernel caching, you usually need to restart Mac OS X for this option to effect.
livecheck.type regex
livecheck.url http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gdb/
livecheck.regex gdb-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)\\.tar