# $Id$

PortSystem       1.0
name             xbill
version          2.1
revision         2
categories       games
license          GPL
maintainers      nomaintainer
description      Save your computers from the evil clutches of Bill
long_description \
    Ever get the feeling that nothing is going right? You're a \
    sysadmin, and someone's trying to destroy your computers. The \
    little people running around the screen are trying to infect \
    your computers with Wingdows \[TM\], a virus cleverly designed \
    to resemble a popular operating system. Additionally, some \
    computers are connected with network cables. When one \
    computer on a network becomes infected, a spark will be sent \
    down the cable, and will infect the computer on the other end \
    when it reaches there.
homepage         http://www.xbill.org/
platforms        darwin

master_sites     ${homepage}download/
checksums        md5 585e4866b15255a24203db9959407b2f

depends_lib      port:xorg-libXaw

patch {
	reinplace "s|install:|install: all|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in

configure.env    X_PRE_LIBS=-lXpm
configure.args   --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
                 --localstatedir=${prefix}/share \
                 --disable-motif --disable-gtk