# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0

name		lisp-hyperspec
version		7.0
categories	lang
# Distributing modified versions is not allowed.
license		Restrictive/Distributable Noncommercial
maintainers	nomaintainer
platforms	darwin
supported_archs	noarch
description	The Common Lisp HyperSpec
long_description	\
		This is an HTML document derived from the ANSI Common \
		Lisp standard (X3.226-1994), with permission from ANSI \
		and NCITS (previously known as X3). \
		The Common Lisp HyperSpec was prepared by Kent Pitman at \
		Harlequin, who as Project Editor of X3J13 managed the \
		completion of the document which became the ANSI Common \
		Lisp Standard. \
		In hardcopy, the ANSI Common Lisp standard is nearly \
		1100 printed pages describing nearly a thousand functions \
		and variables in sufficient detail to accommodate hosting \
		of the language on a wide variety of hardware and operating \
		system platforms. \
		While the paper version remains the official standard, \
		we think that in practice you'll find the Common Lisp \
		HyperSpec much easier to navigate and use than its paper \
		alternative. \
		In addition to the Common Lisp standard itself, the Common \
		Lisp HyperSpec also incorporates interesting and useful \
		cross references to other materials of the Common Lisp \
		committee, J13 (formerly X3J13).

notes	"See the homepage for conditions on distribution. The\
terms cover (in part) maintaining the integrity of the\
document and exclude commercial redistribution.

To view, point your browser to:

Copying, distribution, display, and/or transmission is by permission of\
LispWorks Ltd."

homepage	http://www.lispworks.com/reference/HyperSpec/index.html
master_sites	ftp://ftp.lispworks.com/pub/software_tools/reference/
regsub -all	"\\." $version "-" distVersion
distname	HyperSpec-${distVersion}
extract.mkdir	yes

checksums	md5 8df440c9f1614e2acfa5e9a360c8969a

use_configure   no
build		{ }

destroot {
    set lispdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/lisp/
    file mkdir ${lispdir}
    file rename ${worksrcpath} ${lispdir}