# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name ocaml epoch 1 version 4.02.2 revision 0 # When updating ocaml, also update ocaml-camlp4 and camlp5 to compatible versions # (c.f. #26769, #20219, #18292) or increase their revisions to rebuild them. set major_vers [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .] platforms darwin maintainers mww openmaintainer categories lang ml description Objective Caml is an implementation of the ML language license {QPL LGPL} homepage http://www.ocaml.org/ master_sites http://caml.inria.fr/pub/distrib/ocaml-${major_vers}/ checksums rmd160 f00ac72bd5a96b28a2ba6dca6b0f9c8c971d9497 \ sha256 60f923988ab7ae023a0799f9699d7d7a476bf8207ee2c900f92c8288ea363085 long_description \ Objective Caml is an implementation of the ML language, based on \ the Caml Light dialect extended with a complete class-based object \ system and a powerful module system in the style of Standard ML. use_xz yes depends_lib port:ncurses use_parallel_build no universal_variant no set docdir ${prefix}/share/doc/${name} # Configure. configure.pre_args -prefix ${prefix} configure.args -cc ${configure.cc} -as \"${configure.cc} -c\" -aspp \"${configure.cc} -c\" \ -no-graph # Building. build.target world.opt build.cmd "unset LD_PREBIND LD_PREBIND_ALLOW_OVERLAP && ${build.cmd}" # Install. destroot.target install destroot.destdir BINDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/bin \ LIBDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ocaml \ MANDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/share/man post-destroot { # Change "ld.conf" to remove ${destroot} in paths. reinplace "s:${destroot}::g" ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/ocaml/ld.conf xinstall -d ${destroot}${docdir} xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} Changes LICENSE README ${destroot}${docdir} } # Variants. variant profile description {Enable profiling} { configure.env-append CC="gcc -pg" } livecheck.type regex livecheck.url http://caml.inria.fr/download.en.html livecheck.regex "ocaml-\[0-9\.]+/ocaml-(\[0-9\.\]+).tar"