# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0

name			archmbox
version			4.10.0
categories		mail
platforms		darwin
license			GPL-2
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		simple email archiver for the mbox format
long_description	Archmbox is a simple email archiver written in perl. \
				It parses one or more mailboxes, selects some or all \
				messages and then performs specific actions on the \
				selected messages. At this time archmbox supports mbox \
				and mbx mailbox formats.

homepage		http://adc-archmbox.sourceforge.net/
master_sites	sourceforge:project/adc-archmbox/archmbox/${version}
checksums		md5 44f9f155d45d2eae4b9de33314adf841 \
			sha1 afd989876ba05a586ec701c5b84532190d4ccb5c \
			rmd160 f1892d4c4f8de6714b6ddf6843c8d2ede7eeb99c

depends_lib		path:bin/perl:perl5 \
				port:bzip2 \

configure.perl		${prefix}/bin/perl

#configure.env	ARCHMBOX_TMP_DIR=${workpath}

livecheck.regex "archmbox (.*) released"