# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name nrg version 0.99.27 revision 2 categories net maintainers nomaintainer platforms darwin description Network Resource Grapher long_description NRG is an RRDtool front-end tool to monitor traffic and load \ on network links or any other resource utilization source. It \ automatically creates and maintains web pages and RRDtool databases, \ while providing short and long-term graph web pages just like MRTG. homepage http://ginseng.hep.wisc.edu/NRG/ master_sites ftp://noc.hep.wisc.edu/src/nrg/ \ ftp://noc.hep.wisc.edu/pub/src/nrg/ checksums md5 c38e6b27bc99f8f7fd825bc6e1a44f68 depends_lib port:rrdtool port:p5.16-time-hires patchfiles patch-nrg-discover-tcp.in.diff \ patch-roverpingd-send.c.diff configure.perl ${prefix}/bin/perl5.16 configure.pre_args --prefix=${prefix}/var/${name} configure.args --bindir=${prefix}/bin \ --sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc/${name} \ --datadir=${prefix}/share \ --build=powerpc-unknown-freebsd \ CFLAGS="-D__FreeBSD__" platform i386 { configure.args-delete --build=powerpc-unknown-freebsd configure.args-append --build=i386-unknown-freebsd } variant pingd_server description {pingd daemon to graph network latency with NRG} { startupitem.create yes startupitem.name pingd startupitem.executable "${prefix}/bin/pingd" } build.target pingd destroot.target install.pingd install # Maintain empty directories destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/var/${name}/archive post-patch { ### Path fixes ### reinplace "s|@prefix@/bin|@bindir@|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/examples/NRG.mconf.in \ ${worksrcpath}/src/nrg-spiketrimmer.in reinplace "s|@prefix@/bin|@bindir@|g" \ {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/templates/*.in] #### Make NRG page title the way I want it #### reinplace "s|Somesite's NRG Home Page|NRG Home Page|g" \ "${worksrcpath}/examples/Makefile.ops.in" #### Fix paths for proper destrooting #### reinplace "s|exec_prefix = @prefix@|exec_prefix = ${destroot}@prefix@|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in reinplace "s|prefix = @prefix@|prefix = ${destroot}@prefix@|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in reinplace "s|BIN_DIR = @bindir@|BIN_DIR = ${destroot}@bindir@|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in reinplace "s|ETC_DIR = @sysconfdir@|ETC_DIR = ${destroot}@sysconfdir@|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in reinplace "s|TEMPLATE_DIR = \${prefix}/templates|TEMPLATE_DIR = ${destroot}@prefix@/templates|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in reinplace "s|EXAMPLE_DIR = \${prefix}/examples|EXAMPLE_DIR = ${destroot}@datadir@/doc/nrg/examples|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in reinplace "s|HTML_DIR = \${prefix}/html|HTML_DIR = ${destroot}@datadir@/doc/nrg/html|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in reinplace "s|ARCHIVE_DIR = \${prefix}/archive|ARCHIVE_DIR = ${destroot}@prefix@/archive|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in reinplace "s|CONTRIB_DIR = \${prefix}/contrib|CONTRIB_DIR = ${destroot}@datadir@/doc/nrg/contrib|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in } post-destroot { # Install images to \${prefix}/var/nrg/web/icons xinstall -d -m 755 ${destroot}${prefix}/var/${name}/web/icons xinstall -m 755 {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/images/*.*] ${destroot}${prefix}/var/${name}/web/icons # Rename Site.mconf so graphed devices won't get rewritten on port upgrades move ${destroot}${prefix}/var/${name}/Site.mconf \ ${destroot}${prefix}/var/${name}/Site.mconf.sample } notes \ "#### To complete the NRG installation #### 1) Make an /nrg symlink in your Apache document root pointing to the ../nrg/web NRG data directory: sudo ln -s ${prefix}/var/${name}/web /my-Apache-document-root/nrg 2) Modify your httpd.conf file for NRG graph pages: Uncomment lines: AddHandler cgi-script .cgi LoadModule expires_module libexec/httpd/mod_expires.so AddModule mod_expires.c Add directives: Options ExecCGI ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault M5 Change the Apache user and group to the NRG user and group so Apache will have permissions to create graphs when you click an RRD file link. User Group 3) Change the web root variables at the top of files Makefile and Site.mconf in directory ${prefix}/var/${name} to your Apache document root location. 4) Make NRG files and data owned by the user you'll use to run NRG su (must be root for this operation) find ${prefix}/var/nrg -print | xargs chown : #### To use NRG #### 1) Set meta-configuration definitions in the Site.mconf file for each resource you want to graph by following the example meta-configuration definitions in ${prefix}/share/doc/nrg/examples. 2) Have NRG generate rrd files and html graph pages (and modify them after Site.mconf changes): cd ${prefix}/var/${name} make rediscover make notify 3) Schedule the script ${prefix}/var/${name}/run-nrg to run via cron every five minutes to poll your data sources and update the rrd files. Be sure to read the documentation in ${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/html for creating custom graphs or for more information."