# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name rancid version 2.3.8 revision 1 categories net license BSD-old maintainers nomaintainer platforms darwin description Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ long_description Rancid maintains a CVS repository of router and \ device config files. It emails you when changes \ occur and tells you what commands were changed. homepage http://www.shrubbery.net/rancid master_sites ftp://ftp.shrubbery.net/pub/rancid/ checksums rmd160 6105398f85617bce2053d7219e7586c1b80b76ab \ sha256 44e44c87a22968d5229c01d60aa46960da023a24846eef43f9e3c8d70fd5b3fb set perl_version 5.16 depends_lib port:perl${perl_version} \ port:openssl \ port:p${perl_version}-lockfile-simple patchfiles patch-etc-Makefile.in post-patch { # Set path for lg.conf.sample so Looking Glass will work reinplace "s|@prefix@/bin|@prefix@/libexec/rancid:@prefix@/bin|g" \ ${worksrcpath}/etc/lg.conf.sample.in } configure.args --localstatedir=${prefix}/var/${name} \ --bindir=${prefix}/libexec/${name} \ --sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc/${name} \ --mandir=\\\${prefix}/share/man post-destroot { system "ln -s -f ${prefix}/libexec/${name}/rancid-cvs ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/rancid-cvs" system "ln -s -f ${prefix}/libexec/${name}/rancid-run ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/rancid-run" } notes " #### To complete the RANCID installation #### Copy the sample .cloginrc file to the RANCID user's home directory,\ make sure it isn't world readable, and edit it according to your needs. cp ${prefix}/share/rancid/cloginrc.sample ~/.cloginrc sudo chmod 640 ~/.cloginrc See the README file in ${prefix}/share/rancid for more information. To use the optional looking glass service to run status check commands\ (show ip route, show run, etc) against your devices from a web form,\ perform these steps: 1) Copy the looking glass files and set permissions. Use the lg.conf.sample looking glass configuration file as a start. cd ${prefix}/etc/rancid cp lg.conf.sample lg.conf Make an /lg folder in your Apache document root and copy lg files sudo mkdir -p /lg/log cd /lg sudo cp ${prefix}/share/rancid/index.html ./ sudo cp ${prefix}/share/rancid/lgnotes.html ./ Copy the .cgi's to the Apache document root cd /lg cp ${prefix}/libexec/rancid/lg.cgi ./ cp ${prefix}/libexec/rancid/lgform.cgi ./ Set the file permissions. The rancid-user should also be the Apache user. sudo chown -R : /lg 2) To enable the cgi's in this directory to run, set this line in your httpd.conf: Options ExecCGI 3) Goto url http://localhost/lg with a web browser to use the looking glass. " livecheck.type regex livecheck.url [lindex ${master_sites} 0] livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.