# $Id$

PortSystem              1.0
PortGroup               python 1.0

# Interestingly, this module does not actually require that Growl be installed!
name                    py-growl
version                 1.2.1
categories-append       aqua
license                 BSD
maintainers             nomaintainer
description             Python interface to the Growl notification system
long_description        ${description}

platforms               darwin

homepage                http://growl.info/documentation/developer/python-support.php
master_sites            http://growl.info/files/source
distname                Growl-${version}-src
use_bzip2               yes
extract.suffix          .tbz
# uses the same file as Growl: store in the same place
dist_subdir             Growl

checksums               md5     b4578a73cc906856f4accdbc1a484d1b \
                        sha1    fe8a3638b101cc5d060ec85cef9310d4b7cb6037 \
                        rmd160  cf1cfae070fbd8e5401beb1211590542cab4fe22

worksrcdir              ${worksrcdir}/Bindings/python

python.versions         27