# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python 1.0 name py-zodb set real_name ZODB3 version 3.10.5 python.versions 27 maintainers nomaintainer platforms darwin description Zope Object Database: object database and persistence license ZPL-2.1 long_description \ The Zope Object Database provides an object-oriented database for Python that \ provides a high-degree of transparency. Applications can take advantage of \ object database features with few, if any, changes to application logic. \ ZODB includes features such as a plugable storage interface, rich transaction \ support, and undo. categories-append databases homepage http://www.zodb.org/ master_sites http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/Z/${real_name} distname ${real_name}-${version} checksums rmd160 80ffd861962fb7ee5b8a72c86d7f5b0b5640260b \ sha256 c857d8a97d331351a3b964f841c263ebf39c862fe1103563fa020a7df1137338 if {${name} ne ${subport}} { depends_build port:py${python.version}-setuptools depends_lib port:py${python.version}-transaction \ port:py${python.version}-zc-lockfile \ port:py${python.version}-zconfig \ port:py${python.version}-zdaemon \ port:py${python.version}-zope-event \ port:py${python.version}-zopeinterface }