# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 # $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup active_variants 1.1 github.setup gyoto Gyoto 1.0.1 license GPL-3+ categories science yorick platforms darwin maintainers thibaut openmaintainer description General relativistic geodesic integration and ray-tracing long_description Gyoto aims at providing a framework for computing orbits \ and ray-traced images in General relativity. It consists \ in a C++ shared library (libgyoto), utility programs \ (gyoto, gyotoy), and a plug-in for the Yorick programming \ language. Gyoto can be extended with plug-ins. homepage http://gyoto.obspm.fr checksums rmd160 773c9fe40ea2a17b5fad0b75a0f1376d28927d94 \ sha256 643c1955fdef5ec8747cd42a4fe075ddaeb822e924f9f49ba895a6f0d8832cb1 depends_lib port:cfitsio \ port:xercesc3 \ port:udunits2 \ path:bin/yorick:yorick depends_run port:yorick-yutils \ port:yorick-gy # yorick is not universal universal_variant no patchfiles patch-include-GyotoScreen.h.diff patch.pre_args -p1 configure.args --with-yorick=${prefix}/bin/yorick \ --without-lorene \ --with-xerces \ --disable-doc \ --with-cfitsio \ --with-udunits-inc=${prefix}/include/udunits2/ \ --with-udunits-lib=-L${prefix}/lib/ \ --enable-release \ --without-mpi build.args-append Y_CFLAGS="${configure.cxxflags}" Y_CPPFLAGS="${configure.cppflags}" CC="${configure.cc}" COPT_DEFAULT="" Y_LDFLAGS="${configure.ldflags}" test.target check test.run yes if {![catch {set result [active_variants boost openmpi {}]}]} { if {$result} { default_variants +openmpi } else { if {[active_variants boost mpich {}]} { default_variants +mpich } } } foreach nodot [list 27 33 34] wdot [list 2.7 3.3 3.4] { subport py${nodot}-gyoto { depends_build-append port:doxygen port:swig-python depends_lib-append port:python${nodot} port:py${nodot}-numpy \ port:Gyoto categories python science configure.args-append PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python${wdot} use_parallel_build no build.args -C python destroot.args -C python INSTALL_DATA=true prefix=${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${wdot} test.run no } } subport Gyoto { post-destroot { xinstall -W ${worksrcpath}/python gyoto.i gyoto_std.i gyoto_lorene.i numpy.i ${destroot}/${prefix}/include/Gyoto/ } } if {[string match libc++ ${configure.cxx_stdlib}]} { depends_lib-append port:boost variant openmpi conflicts mpich \ description {Add MPI parallelization using OpenMPI} { require_active_variants boost openmpi {} depends_lib-append port:openmpi configure.args-delete --without-mpi configure.args-append --with-mpi MPICC=mpicc-openmpi-mp MPICXX=mpicxx-openmpi-mp } variant mpich conflicts openmpi \ description {Add MPI parallelization using MPICH} { require_active_variants boost mpich {} depends_lib-append port:mpich configure.args-delete --without-mpi configure.args-append --with-mpi MPICC=mpicc-mpich-mp MPICXX=mpicxx-mpich-mp } } else { configure.args-append --disable-c++11 }