# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python 1.0 name volatility set my_name Volatility version 1.1.2 categories security platforms darwin maintainers yahoo.fr:jul_bsd openmaintainer license GPL-2+ description collection of tools for the extraction of digital \ artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples long_description The Volatility Framework is a completely open collection \ of tools for the extraction of digital artifacts from \ volatile memory (RAM) samples. The extraction techniques \ are performed completely independent of the system being \ investigated but offer unprecedented visibilty into the \ runtime state of the system. The framework is intended \ to introduce people to the techniques and complexities \ associated with extracting digital artifacts from \ volatile memory samples and provide a platform for \ further work into this exciting area of research. homepage https://www.volatilesystems.com/default/volatility master_sites https://www.volatilesystems.com/volatility/${version}/ \ http://distfiles.macports.org/python distname ${my_name}-${version} checksums md5 e8272a7fa2f361880cf79d93b100f64a \ sha1 15bac31c4b0026a5422637f439dce499b1e19ac1 \ rmd160 89778cc7d6ad58ef12d87c00228efbc894474ad8 supported_archs noarch python.default_version 26 post-patch { reinplace "s|import sys|import sys\\\nsys.path.append('${python.pkgd}')|" \ ${worksrcpath}/volatility reinplace "s|^#!c:\\\\python\\\\python.exe|#!${python.bin}|" \ ${worksrcpath}/volatility } post-destroot { xinstall -m 755 -W ${worksrcpath} \ volatility \ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} \ AUTHORS.txt \ CREDITS.txt \ LEGAL.txt \ LICENSE.txt \ README.txt \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} \ vmodules.py \ vsyms.py \ vtypes.py \ vutils.py \ ${destroot}${python.pkgd} } livecheck.type regex livecheck.regex ${my_name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.tar