# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name enchant version 1.6.0 revision 2 categories textproc devel maintainers kix.in:anant description Spellchecker wrapping library homepage http://www.abisource.com/enchant/ platforms darwin license LGPL-2.1+ long_description On the surface, Enchant appears to be a generic spell checking library.\ You can request dictionaries from it, ask if a word is correctly spelled,\ get corrections for a misspelled word, etc. but all it really does is to \ provide a uniform wrapper over several popular spell checking libraries \ including aspell, ispell and AppleSpell. master_sites http://www.abisource.com/downloads/${name}/${version}/ checksums md5 de11011aff801dc61042828041fb59c7 \ sha1 321f9cf0abfa1937401676ce60976d8779c39536 \ rmd160 a992034355bb36b9acabdbd400c9f4a3b996cce6 depends_lib path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \ port:aspell \ port:hunspell depends_build port:pkgconfig use_autoreconf yes autoreconf.args -fvi configure.args --with-myspell-dir=${prefix}/share/hunspell livecheck.type regex livecheck.url http://www.abisource.com/downloads/${name}/ livecheck.regex {"(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)/"}