# $Id$ PortSystem 1.0 name hevea version 2.00 revision 3 categories textproc www tex platforms darwin maintainers loria.fr:reilles license {QPL LGPL} description HEVEA is a quite complete and fast LATEX to HTML translator. long_description HEVEA is a LaTeX to HTML translator.\ The input language is a fairly complete subset\ of LaTeX2e (old LaTeX style is also accepted) and\ the output language is HTML that is (hopefully)\ correct with respect to version 4.0 (transitional) homepage http://hevea.inria.fr/ master_sites ${homepage}/distri/ checksums sha1 3de1c2e32f125c305d902fb1c066facc939405a2 \ rmd160 d586b1564fafc5fba47614b4f13e1303049c1d9a patchfiles patch-Makefile.diff depends_build port:ocaml configure { reinplace "s|^PREFIX=.*|PREFIX=${prefix}|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile reinplace "s|^LIBDIR=.*|LIBDIR=${prefix}/share/${name}|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile reinplace "s|^LATEXLIBDIR=.*|LATEXLIBDIR=${prefix}/share/${name}|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile reinplace "s|^DESTDIR=.*|DESTDIR=${destroot}|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile }