# $Id$

PortSystem        1.0

name              haserl
version		  0.8.0
categories        www devel
license		  GPL-2+
platforms         darwin
maintainers       nomaintainer
description       tiny CGI wrapper
long_description  Haserl is a tiny (<30k) CGI wrapper that uses a UNIX \
		  shell to provide PHP-like scripting for dynamic web \
		  content.  It parses form data placing the data in \
		  environment variables.  It also supports file-uploads and \
		  running as a non-privileged user.
homepage          http://haserl.sourceforge.net/
master_sites      sourceforge:project/haserl/haserl/${version}
checksums	  md5 bd9195d086566f56634c0bcbbbcbebea
		  # unverified -- upstream does not publish signatures!