# $Id$

PortSystem 1.0

name			swish-e
version			2.4.7
categories		www
license			GPL-2+
platforms		darwin
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		system for indexing collections of Web pages
long_description	SWISH-E is a fast, powerful, flexible, free, and easy to \
			use system for indexing collections of Web pages or other files.

homepage		http://swish-e.org/
master_sites	${homepage}distribution/
checksums           md5     736db7a65aed48bb3e2587c52833642d \
                    sha1    0970c5f8dcb2f12130b38a9fc7dd99c2f2d7ebcb \
                    rmd160  ad436ecb69549cf92531bb681918442309b63b89

depends_lib		port:zlib port:libxml2 port:libiconv

configure.args	--mandir=${prefix}/share/man --without-pcre \
				--with-zlib=${prefix} --with-libxml2=${prefix}

livecheck.type	regex
livecheck.url	${homepage}download/
livecheck.regex	Swish-e version (\[0-9.\]+)